Jack & Stig

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Jack couldn't deny that he hated Stig, after all  he had waited years for Jodi to even look his way and all of a sudden just when he felt like he had a small chance Stig showed up. How could he compete with a extremely hot, talented and most importantly 6'2" guy. And let's say he wasn't exactly thrilled when he found out that Stig was staying at his house and he was going to share a room with him. It was as if the universe decided to slap him right in the face.

Stig was weird at least that's what Jack thought. Although he had tried his best to shove Stig away it was almost impossible to get any space from the guy. This became annoying for many many reasons but the main thing is that because he was always around Jack he ended up talking a lot with Jodi which Jack could not handle.

The sun shone through his open window and its warm glow gently awakened Jack's sleepy body from his sleep. He sighed deeply before sitting up and looking outside the window, the first rays of sunlight illuminated the sky in a beautiful array of colours. Unfortunately this peace was quickly interrupted by a familiar voice calling his name. "Good morning!" Stig smiled brightly at him with his usual friendly expression."Morning" he yawned back lazily.

Stig was a very early riser so although they shared a room he never really saw Stig sleep in and as someone who would prefer to sleep until 12 if he could he never really got used to Stig being awake and dressed at 6 in the morning. And with that Jacks day started. First he made his way to his, or their bathroom to get ready for school and like normal Stig fallowed close behind him. Stig was already ready for school so him fallowing him around was confusing at first but at this point Jack was done questioning things, all he wanted to do was get this day over with.


The day started uneventfully for Jack other then Jodi falling all over Stig whenever he came around, Unfortunately this was quickly becoming the new norm for them and He couldn't stand it. Jack was Dozing off in class without Jodi to talk to, she was too busy talking to Stig. God when will this day end. He thought angrily as he continued to ignore the rest of the world. I just want my life back. He thought miserably. Jack was brought out of his depressing thoughts by the bell signaling lunchtime and reluctantly left the classroom. As he walked to the cafeteria he felt the unwanted presence of Stig following closely behind him.

Why does he still fallow me? He already knows where everything in the school is and he is super popular so he can hangout with other people and leave me alone. His thoughts continued with an edge of bitterness in his tone. Jack sighed internally. His thoughts were interrupted by Jodi running up to his table excitedly. " Hey Stig!" Of course. " do you want to watch a movie sometime?" She asked nervously. Stig smiled politely before saying, " Sure Do you want to go to the movies or maybe we could just hangout at your place or mine if Jack doesn't mind?" His eyes darted towards Jack for an answer. Of course. Jack thought. Jodi's eyes lit up and she quickly turned to Jack waiting for his answer. " Sure." Jack responded flatly before turning away to ignore them. He tuned out the conversation between them in favour of focusing on lunch as fast as possible so he wouldn't have to listen to them talking anymore. Luckily the bell rang shortly after so he didn't have to endure their conversation.

He was thankful when the day ended and he could finally have some time to himself. So he practically sprinted to his bed before cuddling into the blankets. Choosing to ignore his growing pile of homework he let himself slip into a short nap.

Stig looked up to see his sleeping friend His view was obstructed by the railing and he cursed himself inwardly for being on the bottom bunk. But now it was time to get things ready after all he had a guest coming over and he had to prepare.

-3 hours later-

Jack woke up from his nap feeling groggy and disoriented. Yawning he slowly made his way down the bunk bed and stood up stretching his arms high above his head. I wonder how long I was asleep?, Jack asked himself as he headed towards the door. But then he heard a familiar voice sharply bringing him to reality. He made his way towards the source of the noise to find Jodi and Stig sitting down watching a movie together. He was fuming he knew they were planning to watch a movie together but seriously Tonight!? Could they not wait until tomorrow at least?! It took him so much effort to stop himself from screaming in frustration. And maybe it was just his groggy brain but at that moment he decided to ruin their little date.

"Hey guys what are we watching?" he said in the calmest voice he could muster. Jodi glanced at him trying to convince him to leave but he ignored it and sat himself directly in between them. needless to say Jodi was no longer enjoying the night she had planned. But he would do anything to keep them away from each other even if it meant upsetting her. And that's how the night continued. Jodi unfortunately had decided to just wait it out Jack would have to leave them alone eventually. Right?

His eyes grew heavy as he felt sleep slowly claiming his body he fought against it but it was useless as his heavy eyelids closed and the world went dark. Finally Jodi almost yelled as she saw Jack succumb to sleep. She watched as his head fell to the side landing on Stig's shoulder with a soft thud. Now that he's asleep I can finally have a moment alone with Stig she thought happily. But before she could speak up Stig's voice snapped her out of her daydream "It's getting late do you need a ride home?" Jodi's eyes widened, she had wanted to spend time with him but he was just not getting the hint. sighing inwardly she replied in a calm tone. "No thanks I'll walk home" she replied quickly before grabbing her bag and quietly leaving. not bothering to look back she walked away.

Stig looked down at the shorter boy resting on his shoulder and with a smile he moved to carry him to their room. The blonde carefully maneuvered them both into their room without waking Jack. Once he reached their room he gently set Jack down onto his mattress. He let his eyes wander over Jack's body admiring every part of him. He was gorgeous and what Stig would give just to have him all to himself. His gaze had eventually landed on Jack's slightly parted lips causing Stig's heart to flutter slightly. He gulped trying to ignore the intense urge to kiss the boy below him. God I'm weak was Stig's last thought before giving in and finally leaning in and gently pressing his lips against Jack's in a gentle kiss.

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