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„Beneath the furry exterior of a werewolf lies a fierce soul
that will stop at nothing to protect what it loves"

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The Story takes place in the early 2000, it's still kept more medieval.

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Roles in a Pack"


The Alpha is the leader, it's the highest position someone could get. The Alpha is the strongest among the Werewolf's and is also often seen as the most attractive Wolf but also as the most aggressive.

Alphas can be mated with an Beta or Omega but not with an Alpha. Both Alpha's would be fighting over the dominance cause an Alpha would never want to be seen as weak. While one Alpha could keep themself under control another one could let his wolf take over and try to kill the other one. It's a risk but rarely Family's of only Alpha's can be seen.

An Alpha always wants to be seen as strong and powerful. The are really possessive over their mate(-s).

An Alpha can be born from an Alpha and Alpha, Beta or Omega.

The Alpha also has two separations, Alpha and Alpha of the Alpha's. An Alpha of the Alpha's can be born when two Alpha's mate with each other wich is super rare because of the problems it causes.

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The Beta is something like the second in command, they are the second strongest and the second most important role in the rank.

The Betas are most likely friendly, loyal and cooperative. They are often protecting the Omegas and Pups, fight in a war or look for food and water together with the Alpha.

A Beta is born from an Beta with another Beta, Alpha or Omega.

An Beta can mate with an beta, Alpha or Omega.

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The Omega is most likely something like a house wife. While the Alpha's and Beta's are fighting in battles they would stay behind with the pups or are at home waiting for the pack to return. They have a little impulse to compete or adapt.

An Omega is born from an Omega and an Alpha or Beta.

A Omega cannot mate with another Omega, only with a Beta or Alpha. Most likely they can't decide or the Beta/Alpha decides if they take them.

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Can heal other wolfs or comfort them while going thru a pregnancy or are badly harmed. Are like a midwife just with  magic.

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Royal Family

The Royal Family are the Ruler's from the werewolf's, there can only be one Royal Family at the time. The children from the Queen and King can still get mated, but the children can only start ruling when the parents are dead.

To be part of the Royal Family, even if your mating in, the Family Members need Royal blood in their veins. They can only stop being part of the Royal Family by dying.

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General Information"

1) A Werewolf can shift anytime they want. If they are in heat or badly harmed it will get harder for them to shift back into human or shift into a wolf. Most likely the wolf would instantly shift back into the human form when they are in heat.
2) Werewolfs can live a really long life. They would normally grow until the age of 18 and after that slowly age. As example at the age of 109 they would still look like 20-25 years old.
3) Werewolf's transform the first time at the age of 18.

The Werewolfs have two weaknesses, Wolfsbane and Silver.
1) Wolfsbane is a plant wich is extremely deadly for wolfs, by contact a Werewolf could get really bad harmed or lose there wolf for a couple of days, weeks or even months.
2) Silver isn't as deadly as Wolfsbane but it still can hurt really bad and needs a long time to heal. Sometimes it also can leave scars.

Weaknesses caused by the mate
1) If a mate or in general a Packmember dies the whole Pack/the other mate can feel it through the bond.
2) If a mate is harmed or gets sexually used the mate can also feel it. Sometimes even collapses cause of all the pain they feel from their mate.
3) A Mate is like a soulmate, so if one finds their mate but they get rejected they could come into deep depression and even die cause of a broken heart.

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Mating and Mates"

1. A Mate is like soulmate.
2. All Werewolf's have a mate they could find through scent or contact. The scent from their mate is the strongest scent they could ever smell.
3. A Werewolf can also has 2 soulmates wich is super rare.
4. Normally a Werewolfrelationship is like: male x female, male x male, female x female. But it can sometimes be Alpha x Alpha, but never be Omega x Omega. Alpha x Alpha is super rare and needs a lot of overcoming to not kill the other Alpha.
5. Not only Female Werewolf's can get pregnant, also Male Beta and Omega.
6. Werewolf's can only become mates when one of them, most likely the more dominant wolf, bites into the neck of the other one, while giving the other one a knot, and marks them, after that the more submissive one could mark the other one too, if they allow it.
7. At the age of 18 a Werewolf can find their soulmate, if they don't find them directly they go into heat. The heat can last one hour or also a couple of days. Normally a Werewolf finds their soulmate at the age from 18-25.
8. A Werewolf can also find their soulmate at a small age, most likely that they get well really well. They start to feel more attracted to the other at the age 16+.

My Story
1. In my Story white fur is very rare.
2. A wolf can have more then one Mate.
3. A Royal Family exist's.

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Some listed things could not make sense in your eyes or you know it in another way, somI will only say, this is my Story so I created a few things myself (Like the Royal Family, I don't know if a Royal Family really exist!).

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1026 words..

..by Silver writings..

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