Chapter 1

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Aurora "Rory" groaned as she heard her Aunt Petunia bang on the door of the cupboard that she and her brother and sister  Harry and Josephine "Josie" shared. Their little sister, Leilani "Lani" sleeping in the room on the third floor, their older brother live in a tree house that he built by accident magic.

"Up!" Petunia said in that shrill voice of hers. "Get up! Now!"

Aurora and Harry both dressed, and Petunia rapped on the door again. "Are you up yet?"

"Nearly." Harry responded.

"Well, get a move on! I want you two to look after the bacon and the eggs. And don't you dare let it burn, I want everything to be perfect on Duddy's birthday."

Rory, Harry and Josie exchanged a look and groaned. Rory sighed as she ran a hand through her unruly red hair. "Better get out there before she throws a fit." She mumbled to Harry and Josie, who nodded in response. They opened the cupboard door and went into the kitchen. Harry went to man the bacon frying in the pan while Rory tended to the eggs. She went over to the refrigerator, taking out the tub of butter and the carton of eggs, Josie getting the plates, Lani putting up the clean dishes. After melting the butter in a pan she cracked the eggs and proceeded to scramble them. Rory sighed as she saw the mound of presents that Dudley had received. And yet whenever hers and her siblings' birthday rolled around all they got was a hangar or a pair of used socks, if they even got anything at all. Their older brother, James Jr "Jamie" the triplets and Lani had been living with their Aunt and Uncle for as long as Rory could remember, ever since their parents had both died in a car crash. Rory didn't know anything else about it. Whenever she tried to find out more, Uncle Vernon would hit her and tell her not to ask stupid questions, she just secretly ask their older brother, Jamie. That was just how it was. While they bullied Jamie, Harry, Rory and such, they almost never hit them. That, unfortunately, always seemed to fall onto Josie and Lani's shoulders, even if they had committed the tiniest of infractions. This resulted, Lani being very fidgety and nervous, but you couldn't exactly blame her. Once breakfast was ready, Jamie scooped the food onto everyone's plates before feeding his siblings and himself. Dudley was currently counting his presents as they sat down. His face fell and Rory inwardly groaned, fearing the temper tantrum that was sure to come.

"Thirty-six." Dudley said as he looked at his mother and father. "That's two less than last year."

"Darling..." Cooed Aunt Petunia. "You haven't counted Auntie Marge's present. See, it's right here under this big one from Mommy and Daddy."

"Alright, thirty-seven then." By this point Dudley had gone red in the face, and the Potter siblings  began wolfing down their food before Dudley could start kicking and screaming. Aunt Petunia seemed to be able to sense oncoming danger as well, because she quickly added, "and we'll buy you another two presents while we're out today. How's that popkin? Two more presents. Is that alright?"

Dudley thought a moment, and Lani thought that he might explode from how hard he was trying. "So I'll have thirty...thirty..." James and the triplets quickly surround Lani prospectively, 

"Thirty-nine." Lani muttered under her breath, and she quickly looked down at her lap as Uncle Vernon glared at her, Jamie glared back at Vernon dared him to do something. His glare changed to a grin as he looked fondly at his son. "Little tyke wants his money's worth, just like his father. 'Atta boy, Dudley!" He chuckled as he ruffled Dudley's hair. While Dudley was opening the presents, the phone rang, and Aunt Petunia went to go answer it. The Potter siblings  watched as Dudley opened a new racing bike, a camcorder, an RC airplane, sixteen new computer games, and a VCR. Dudley was in the middle of opening a gold wristwatch when Aunt Petunia came back, a sour look on her face.

"Bad news, Vernon. Mrs. Figg's broken her leg, she can't take them." She jerked her head in Jamie, the triplets, and Lani's direction. Dudley's mouth fell open, but the twins looked at each other excitedly. Every year their Aunt, Uncle, and Dudley went somewhere fun for Dudley's birthday, and every year the siblings were left behind with their neighbor, Mrs. Figg. Mrs. Figg smelled like stale cabbage and always made them look at pictures of her cats, until Jamie went to a boarding school last year, Jamie gotten a summer job so he can provided for his siblings and himself.

"We could phone Marge." Uncle Vernon suggested, but Aunt Petunia shook her head. "Don't be silly, Vernon. Marge hates them."

"You could just leave us here. and Jamie can watch us since he's older and pretty much raised us." Harry said, and Aunt Petunia gave them a look so foul that Josie wanted to just sink down into the floor and disappear. Jamie nudged Harry to tell him to shut up before he got them into trouble. Lani going to her friends, they invited her to the theater to watch a movie, Jamie gotten a summer job when he came back from school.

"Sorry, Harry I can't I've gotten a job for the summer, for take care of you guys." Jamie whispered to him, he just nodded and smiled. "Plus to keep my district from them." Rory looked at him smiled.

"Jamie, why did you gotten a job? She asked him, Harry and Josie looks at him, Jamie smiled.

"oh, I want to save up money to get a birthday present for you and maybe a cupcake for each." He told them quietly so the Dursleys won't hear him.

"I suppose that we could take them to the zoo..." Aunt Petunia said slowly. "...and leave them in the car..."

"That car's brand new!"Uncle Vernon exclaimed. "They're not sitting in it alone!"

Rory had to keep from rolling her eyes as Dudley began to cry loudly. Well, it wasn't actually crying, Dudley hadn't cried in years. But that didn't stop Aunt Petunia from wrapping her arms around the boy. "Dinky Duddydums, don't cry, Mummy don't let them ruin your special day!" Just then the doorbell rang and Dudley's best friend, Piers Polkiss, walked in. Piers was a skinny boy who resembled a rat. Whenever he saw Josie, he gave her a look creepy enough that she would hide behind Jamie, who would wrap his arms around her. Jamie left to drop Lani to her friend's house before he went to work after he hugged the triplets.

"Try to keep to yourselves, okay." Jamie told them quietly than left with Lani.

Half an hour later, The Potters found themselves in the back seat of the Dursley's car. Harry made sure that Rory had a window seat with Josie in between them and he sat next to Josie, so Piers couldn't try anything. Uncle Vernon pulled the car out of the driveway and they were on their way. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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Harry Potter's triplet Sisters, Aurora, Josephine and Younger Sister, LeilaniWhere stories live. Discover now