Jackson "Jackie" Diggory

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Name:Jackson Nathaniel Diggory 

Hair: dirty blonde   

Eyes: green (left) blue (right)     

Age: 9

Birthday: August 12, 1982

Birthplace: Devon, England

Species: pureblood

Home: Ottery St Catchpole

School: Sunnyhill Primary School (formerly), Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry



Family: Mrs. Diggory (unknown), Amos (father), Cedic (older brother), Isabella (older sister)

Friends: Leilani Potter, Ginny and Abigail Weasley (twins), Cassandra Longbottom, Alexiares Malfroy

Bestfriend(s): Leilani Potter 

Nickname:  Jackie, Jack

Likes: reading, music, drawing,

Dislikes: the Dursleys, Voldemont, Snape, bullies, being left alone, 

Personality: adventurous, mischievous, rebellious, short-temper, stubborn, smart, 


Sexuality: pansexual 

Crush: Leilani Potter 

Mental Health: 

• He met Lani at 4 years old in school (preschool) they became fast friends like they met to be friends 2 peas in a pod

• His parents divided to send him to muggle school to make new  friends and learn muggle history 

Harry Potter's triplet Sisters, Aurora, Josephine and Younger Sister, LeilaniWhere stories live. Discover now