Chapter 1: The Beginning

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“It's been exactly 2 years since the explosion at Amity Parks own Nasty Burger, which resulted in the death of five individuals and the disappearance of 15 year old Daniel Fenton. Police have recently asked the public to stop looking for the missing teen,  declaring him dead. A funeral service will be held for the teen tonight, as well as a memorial for those who died in the explosion, at Casper High School where young Daniel and his two friends, Tucker Foley and Samantha Manson, would have graduated this upcoming year.”

Danny tuned out the rest of the news report, staring dully at the screen before him. He had heard these reports every night since the accident, his captures forcing him to relive the worst day of his life, over and over again.

The teen's glowing eyes were horrifically dry, small hooks embedded into his eyelids to force him to focus on the screen. Danny vaguely registered the screen changing to the weather report, which only played for a second before still images took over the screen.

Photos of his family and friends' mutilated bodies cycled on the screen, a disturbing sight Danny had become used to over the past few years. He had stopped reacting openly to the sight of them after month 3, but that didn't stop them from showing him them. They knew it hurt him, even if they refused to admit that Ghosts could, in fact, still feel pain.

Danny's core wrenched at the sight of his loved ones' corpses.

His mothers beautiful violet eyes, only a shade or two darker than his girlfriends, staring blankly into nothingness. His Fathers kind and jovial face, now covered in blood and dust. His lips, that were usually sporting a goofy grin, now slack and torn. His best friend, who always joked with him and made him laugh, was pinned beneath a piece of concrete, his glasses lay shattered beside him.

And Sam. His beautiful, amazing, smart girlfriend. Danny couldn't even see her face, the only thing visible being one of her legs sticking out from a mass of rubble, only recognizable as hers because of the boots she always wore.

There was no photo of Jazz. They said she was so close to the explosion that there was nothing left to take a photo of.

And all of it was his fault.

They had been after him, and they got caught in the crossfire.

He should have known that the GIW, or the AGA as they now called themselves, would stop at nothing to get their hands on him. He should have taken them down when he had the chance, but he was naive. He thought that after he had helped save the world from the Asteroid that they would stop coming after him. Why he thought that way, he had no idea. He was obviously wrong.

And now the GIW had killed his family, locked him in a cage, and cut him up whenever they got the chance.

He was only grateful that they had lost their government funding after the asteroid incident, as the American government had found out that they had been working under the table for Vlad. They were only able to do so much with their now limited resources.

They were so focused on keeping him contained, that they had been unable to capture any other Ghosts, leaving them and the Zone safe from the wannabe scientists.

Danny unfocused his gaze, attempting to block out the images since he wasn't able to close his eyes. He had a few hours before the Agents were due to  start up their t̶o̶r̶t̶u̶r̶e̶  experiments again.

Or so he thought.

The halfa was pulled from his thoughts as the automatic door to his left slid open, the sound of heavy duty boots moving quietly across the green stained tile.

A tanned man appeared in front of Danny, decked in the typical all while garb that gave the formerly known Ghost Investigation Ward their nickname. Danny couldn't see anything past the dark sunglasses that covered the man's eyes, but he could still recognize the man as Agent Z, the Agent that took the most pleasure in torturing the Ghostly teen.

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