Chapter 5: God Damn Corvette Drivers

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Danny had been in New York for 2 weeks now. He had made a home in his little subway car. He had taken the old Ecto-converter and turned it into a powerful generator that ran on a small portion of his energy. He was able to set up string lights that he had bought second hand on his third day in the city. 

He had gotten tired of constantly using his night vision just to exist in his temporary home.

The teen also used the makeshift generator to power a small portable stove and a mini fridge that he had brought from his world, as well as his Phenton Phones and Ipod.

Needless to say, the kid was pretty comfortable. He didn't have to constantly look over his shoulder, worried that he was going to be kidnapped again, and he didn't have to pay any kind of rent.

Jazz had given a large portion of the insurance money she had gotten from their parents' deaths to him before he had left. The teen had argued with her, insisting he didn't need it, but she had convinced him the morning he left.

“This would have gone to you if you hadn't gone missing. I don't need it,” Was all she had to say to get the teen to give in.

Their parents had been engineers in order to fund their ghost hunting obsessions, and made a combined annual income of close to 350K. With their life insurance, the siblings ended up with just over 4 million each. Jazz had decided on doing a lump sum after all of the court hearings, using part of her half to pay for hospital bills, school, her apartment, and looking for Danny. The other half she had saved for her brother when she found him.

And so Danny had 4.3 million dollars stored away in his pocket dimension, which he used as sparingly as possible, saving it for when he could return to Amity without fear of the GIW.


Danny studied the people around him subtly. He was surrounded by all types of people as he stood at an intersection in Midtown. It was a Saturday, so more people than usual were out. 

A small group of teens, perhaps a year or so younger than Danny, stood to his right. They were all looking down at one of the teens' smartphones, something Danny had found amazing when he had first seen one, laughing at whatever video the boy who held the device was showing them.

There was also a businessman in a dark suit to Danny's left talking angrily into an earpiece. There were others as well. Couples out on a mid afternoon date, families with young kids, and single people out running errands. Danny was still getting used to how busy the big city was.

The teen halfa pulled his gaze from the people around him to look at the indicator across the street. He was waiting for the little green person to show up in the pixelated screen so that he, and the rest of the group could walk.

Unfortunately he had just gotten there as the indicator changed to a red hand, forcing people to stop lest they get flattened by oncoming traffic. But Danny was in no rush. He was taking his time to explore this area of Manhattan, and was actually on his way to Stark tower, which was only a few blocks away, to see the Hero museum that had just opened up on the first floor a few months prior.

He was pulled from his thoughts by an uncomfortable feeling worming its way up his spine. It was a new power Danny had acquired related to his obsession. Before he was only able to sense danger if it came in the form of a ghost attack, but ever since the explosion, he had gained the ability to sense danger even if it wasn’t related to the paranormal. Frostbite had theorized that deep down, he felt that if he had sensed the attack, he would have been able to save his loved ones, and so he manifested this power to keep that from happening again.

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