𓍯𓂃1. Unexpected

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3rd Person's POV:
Tiffany woke up at 6:30 doing her normal routine back to school after the winter break. Brushing her teeth, putting on her uniform- you know the normal routine stuff?
Though today's a bit diffrent and its not because she decided to put her long silky black hair into a braid. It's something much more thrilling.It's a big day at Leif Millen's - the ceremory award. Where the principal is handing out diplomas, and Tiffany's gunning for the top student title like she always does. Confident as ever, she throws on her shoes and heads to school.

Since a young age, Tiffany consistently received praise for her intelligence, not limited to words but also evident in trophies, medals, and diplomas-all adorned in gold with her name elegantly inscribed. Tiffany never really doubted her skills but there was one thing that she always aimed for and its top student award. 

Tiffany's POV:
I opened the classroom door to grab a few books before heading to the assembly hall. The hallway buzzed with anticipation, creating a crowded rush. Despite the chaos, I navigated through and reached the assembly hall.

Inside, my friend Yuan waved from the third row with a smile. Sighing as I sat beside her, I remarked, "Who would've thought grabbing a few books would leave me this tired?"

"At least you made it in time, right?" Yuan shrugged and chuckled. The lights dimmed, the principal greeted us post-summer break, and began announcing the winners of each diploma.

As he reached the climax, preparing to reveal the top student, Yuan whispered, "We both know you'll win again, what's new?" She seemed unfazed, accustomed to this scenario.

"Congratulations to our new student who scored 21/21 merits, Anton Lee."

Dot dot dot...

*What...?! No, this has to be a misunderstanding. Are my ears not functioning right? Did he just say Anton Lee? Since when did he move to my school?* I thought, still processing the unexpected turn of events.

This moment surprised not only the students but also the teachers-the entire hall was in shock. The students behind me began whispering in disbelief, "Oh my god, did you hear that? Someone actually managed to surpass THE Tiffany Yang!?."

The whispers grew louder until the principal drew attention to the front again by asking Anton to come up for a speech.

I saw everyone looking around in curiosity. I too looked around, and there he was, at the back row standing up gravely with a smug expression I've been familiar with since I was young. He walked down towards the stage with his hands in his pockets.

On stage, he adjusted the mic to fit his height before speaking.

"First and foremost, it is a tremendous honor to become part of the incredible community at Leif Millen's International High School.
Being awarded the title of 'Year's Top Student' is a significant achievement, especially for someone like me who just joined this school. I am deeply humbled by this recognition and the opportunities it symbolizes.
Thank you, Leif Millen's, once again for this distinguished honor. Here's to a future filled with continued success and growth for every student. I am committed to proving that this is not a first-day luck, and I won't stop here. Thank you again from me, Anton Lee."

The room erupted in applause for his speech as I stood there puzzled, confused, and angry. I never harbored doubts about my skills and never will. Clenching my fist,
I glanced at Anton, only to see that he was looking at me as well, shrugging. Sensing the irritation growing in me, I took a deep breath, calmed myself down, and spoke to myself,
"Why does it have to be him out of all people? Anton Lee,
i will tear you down and take my title back just you wait and see."

3rd Person's POV:
After that day their rivalry began once again.



-there were so many errors bye what😨😨

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