𓍯𓂃2. Burning questions'!

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Tiffany's frustration lingered long after the assembly ended. The news of Anton Lee, her family's long-time rival, snatching the top student title echoed through the corridors of Leif Millen's International High School. As whispers of disbelief continued to trail her, Tiffany found herself grappling with a mix of emotions – anger, confusion, and a newfound determination to reclaim her title.

The school day carried on, and Tiffany couldn't escape the watchful eyes that seemed to follow her every move. Anton, on the other hand, remained unbothered, his attention focused on a book, seemingly oblivious to the commotion around him. The hallways that were once Tiffany's domain now felt like a battleground, and every interaction with Anton was laced with tension.


 as I navigated through the crowded corridors, Yuan walked beside me. Her eyes held a knowing look, acknowledging the storm brewing within me.

"Hey, calm down tiff," Yuan said, her voice a soothing anchor amidst the chaos of the bustling hallways.

"I can't believe he's here," I muttered, frustration evident in my voice.

"It's unexpected, for sure. But let's not let it ruin your day. You've got more important things to focus on." "- i have a morning practice soo i'll gotta go, but text me and don't let him get to you." I just gave her a quick nod while still trying to find his classroom. she knew that her words weren't going to stop me right now, so she just sighed and headed towards the gymnastic court.

My irritation simmered beneath the surface as I navigated through the crowded corridors, determined to find Anton. Questions burned in my mind, demanding answers to why he had infiltrated my sanctuary. As I reached his classroom, I spotted Anton sitting in his seat, engrossed in a book, seemingly oblivious to the chaos surrounding him. His calm demeanor fueled me, intensifying my determination to confront him.

I stormed into the classroom, eyes fixed on Anton. The other students looked up, surprised by my abrupt entrance.
"Anton Lee," I snapped, my voice cutting through the hushed whispers of the classroom. He looked up, meeting my gaze with a calmness that irked me. Anton closed his book, sensing my agitation. Without a word, he stood up, acknowledging the need for a conversation. We walked out of the classroom together, leaving the curious eyes of the class behind.

"Why are you here?" I demanded, my words sharp and direct. "You infiltrate my school, steal my moment, and act like it's no big deal?"

"So what if I'm here now?" he continued, his tone deliberately provoking. "Are you afraid that I might take your so-called throne forever?"

I met his challenging gaze with an unwavering stare. "Afraid? Please, Anton. I've never feared anyone, and I won't start with you."

Anton's mouth started twitching, and he made that smug expression I'd known all my life. "Good. Let the competition begin, Tiffany. It's a game of thrones, after all."

I scoffed, unimpressed by his theatrics. "Don't mistake this for a game, Anton. You may be here to compete, but I'm here to win."

                                                                      CHAPTER TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
our girl tiff DID.NOT.CHILL🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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Rival minds, intertwined Fates ╰┈➤ ANTON | RIIZEWhere stories live. Discover now