Chapter Five

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"I'm not climbing up there." I informed Chase. He chuckled, squeezing my hand. I stared up at the ladder in front of me which led up to a tall platform.

He climbed up the first step. "Come on. It isn't that bad." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Are you already freaking out? I have planned many things today, and this is one of the least scary."

I raised an eyebrow at Chase, but he just continued to climb up, one hand on the ladder, the other hand in mine. I wondered what else he had planned. Zip lining was intense enough for me. What else could he have come up with?

He continued to climb, reaching the top step. I had reluctantly followed, just a step behind. The worker at the top of the platform attached Chase's harness and waited for the sign, which let him know it was ok to send him off. "You ready?" The worker asked.

Chase smirked. "Yes. I'll see you at the other side, dear." He informed me before plunging down the wire and to the other side.

Chase hollered out in joy the whole way down. My eyes traced his figure as he bumped the other side of the platform, the springs sending him back just enough to allow the worker to unharness him. "Your turn." I was told as I stepped all the way onto the platform.

He buckled me up and waited. I was suspended there in the air for a minute or so. I wanted down. This was too much. Was I seriously doing this? "Here we go." The man told me before pushing me off the platform.

The air hit me, sending a chill down my spine. My hair blew in every direction, the wind making a mess of it. The harness spun around. It was weird having so little control over my body. I latched on to the harness for dear life. Finally I hit the end and watched as Chase smiled at me.

"Fun, right?" He asked as I was being unharnessed. I glared at him for a moment but I could keep up the act for very long before my scowl turned into a smirk.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess." We hopped into the car and Chase drove me to our next destination. he hadn't told me much, only that we were spending the day together and that all of the activities he had planned were a surprise. He had been very secretive about everything. He had asked me to close my eyes as we pulled into the parking lot to our next adventure.

Chase held my hand as we walked inside the building. "Wait here." He said before disappearing down a hallway. I took a seat on one of the few chairs in the empty corridor. I took in my surroundings, noticing a receptionist's desk, a coffee table with a few magazines, and a sign pointing towards the nearest bathroom.

There was no one at the reception desk and I considered walking back there to look for any clue as to where we were. I almost stood up to walk that way, but I was too late. Chase came back into sight, a man trailing behind him. "You must be Raven." The man stated before protruding his hand in my direction for me to shake.

I smiled shyly. Chase noticed my discomfort and began to speak. "Raven, this is my friend George. He owns this place."

"Well I just need you to sign some papers, and then we are ready to go." George informed me. All I wanted to know was what I had to sign papers for.

Chase walked up behind me and placed his hands over my eyes. "I don't like this at all." I told him. He chuckled, and began to guide my steps.

"Alright, almost there. We are at a flight of steps. Think you can make it?" I placed a foot out to walk, tripping slightly. I felt myself being picked up. In the excitement, I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was Chase smiling at me as he held me in his arms. I felt heat rise to my face as I began to blush.

I looked around and saw as we boarded what seemed to be a plane. "Chase, what are we doing?" My heart skipped a beat, the uncertainty of what was going on making me sick.

The plane took off shortly after and I felt a sinking feeling in my chest. There were several other people on board the plane. They began to help me into a harness type thing. I began to realize what was going on. "Are we skydiving?" I asked, horror apparent in my voice.

Chase began to laugh. "It'll be fine." I looked out the window and saw how far away we were from the ground.

"I want off." I said, beginning to panic. There was no way I was going through with this. I got tricked into this and I wasn't going to jump. No way!

Chase grabbed my hand. "Relax. Everything is fine. Besides, the only way out now is to jump. I have done this a few times so you can be with me, or you can go down with George. That is up to you."

I bit my lip and looked at George. "I'll go with you, Chase."

Chase smiled. "George isn't that bad. He might look scary, but he is a great guy." George looks like a quarter back, and a wrestler. He's huge.  "He is just a big teddy bear. You'll see." 

After a while, George got up and started getting things together. He brought them over to us. "These are your harnesses and your parachute. Chase is certified to do such things like this on his own. I have been taking him for years. You will be in great hands!"

I started getting very nervous, but I think it was kind of exciting. My emotions were going crazy.

After they put all this stuff on Chase and myself, they attached us together.

Chase smiled at me lightly, giving my hand a firm squeeze. "On the count of three." He stated.

We began to count off together.



He picked me up before we reached two and launched us out of the plane. The air hit me hard, and I felt like throwing up. It was even worse once I looked down, the ground slowly inching closer.

"Relax." Chase reminded me. I looked into his blue eyes, eyes that were brighter than the sky which engulfed us. I didn't feel so nervous anymore.

Soon, he launched the parachute, and just like that, it was over. It took a while to get unharnessed, but I hardly seemed to notice.

"Fun, huh?" Chase questioned.

I threw my head back, laughing. "I am never letting you plan the date ever again!"

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