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Kazuha was a brilliant sunshine upon his world and Scaramouche was just a secret admirer in the shadows. Scaramouche can only watch him, white hair usually tied in a low ponytail—it was let loose today—and crimson eyes sparkling gently upon everyone he greets.

Kazuha never greets him.

It was rude really, he's observed him for years, left messages in his locker and sent gifts. Yet he's ignored when he goes up to talk to him, pushed out by the crowd of people Kazuha was always surrounded by. So he could only watch from afar as Kazuha smiles and chatters with those assholes happily.

Scaramouche watches Kazuha as he leaves the school, he silently follows his ray of sunshine home. The fall leaves and maple trees do well to surround the boy and make him shine even more. He takes a photo to admire later. This was one of the few instances Kazuha was ever alone, at school, he was swarmed with people and girls swoon over him in every turn. (Much to Scaramouche's dismay and anger.) Only Scaramouche is allowed to do that! Kazuha was his and no one else's!!

A stranger walks up to Kazuha, a pretty girl—she speaks with Kazuha—it is obvious that she's flirting with him. He felt anger and jealously prick him as she leans in, Kazuha just smiles politely and says something. The girl walks away looking disappointed and Scaramouche let's out a smirk. What a fool. Trying to take away my Kazuha. Kazuha turned around, crimson catching a figure in the shadows. The figure immediately runs away and Kazuha only continues on his way home.

The figure returns that night, he watches from the window as Kazuha sleeps. After a few photos he looks around for a entrance into the house. He probably won't find any, Kazuha always makes sure to lock everything, but to his pleasant surprise, the window was left unlocked. He opens it and climbs inside.

Kazuha's room is warm. Although it isn't as big as Scaramouche's and lacked a personal bathroom, it has a air of calmness and happiness to it. Well framed pictures of friends and food hang on the yellow walls. The bed is a pearlescent white and two bean bags—purple and white—lay in the corner along with a red rug and bookshelves of what he assumes is poetry. A drawer where Kazuha does his make-up. A brown table stacked with homework and a charged laptop. There is a box under the table, it didn't fit with the place but it's been there since as long as Scaramouche remembered. So he doesn't pay it any mind.

He approaches the sleeping figure, one knee on the bed and hands about to caress Kazuha's face. White lashes open and crimson eyes peek out—Scaramouche is left stunned as Kazuha grabs his arm, pulls him towards him and pin him on the bed. A click is heard from above—a pair of black fluffy handcuffs—something Scaramouche gifted him. Kazuha greets him with a smile and sparkling crimson eyes.

"Scaramouche, my beloved secret admirer right?"

Kazuha knows my name? Wait did he just call me his beloved—

His heart beats with joys but his mind is confused and suspicious. How could he possible know his name? And...beloved?

"Well? Aren't you going to answer? Do I need to make you answer me?" The look he gives him is threatening but only makes him look more alluring to Scaramouche.

"Y-yes...I'm Scaramouche." He mumbled, hesitant on revealing his identity.

"You know...I could turn you in to the police. Stalking is illegal."

Panic arises within him. Kazuha's face lit up at his squirming, enjoying the panicked expression.

"But...that's boring. So you know what I'll do instead?"

Scaramouche took a deep breathe to calm his erratic heart. "What?"

Kazuha dragged out the box from underneath the table, he opens it and Scaramouche is surprised to see the contents.

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