Spy AU

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Kazuha has failed his mission, caught red handed trying to steal some important files by none other than the 6th harbinger himself. He stood frozen with a gun pointed at the back of his head—barrel touching him—at the mercy of the infamously rude and evil Balladeer. How had I not hear him coming? Why did the wind not tell me? What the heck is the Balladeer doing in his office this late? He wondered to himself, though he hoped those weren't his last thoughts.

"Hands. Above your head, and drop the flash drive. Now." Scaramouche ordered, he whacked him in the back of the head with the gun—ouch—before reverting back to its position. Pointed at him and about to blast his head through. Kazuha dropped the flash drive and slowing lifted his hands above his head. He tried his best to calm his breathing.

Scaramouche kicked the flash drive away, Kazuha watched as it slid beneath the desk and disappeared.

He felt a soft breath as the Balladeer said into his ear, "Niwa huh? Or should I call you Kazuha?"

Kazuha stayed silent. How did he figure it out?

"Did you choose that name to torment me?" Scaramouche asked, his hand reached around Kazuha's body, patting around. What is he talking about? Kazuha squeezed his eyes shut, praying to the archons that he doesn't find anything.

"Not gonna say anything? I'll take it as a yes then." Oh archons what did I get myself into? He heard a scoff, "Look at you, you even dyed part of your hair red."

It didn't take long for Scaramouche to fish out a pair of hidden daggers, "Daggers huh? Should've bought a gun, but they're quite pretty. Even has intricate carvings on them. Didn't realize weapons could be so beautiful. Oh wait, I exist." He laughed at his own joke and set the dagger aside. "I'll keep them along with your head."

Kazuha knew it was a bad idea to bring them, they were a family heirloom passed down from generations ago. For them to be lost this way...

The Balladeer patted around for anything else before his hand wrapped around his throat, they were ball-pointed and he shivered from the coldness of them. What the heck is he?

"You're so irritating. Why do you try so hard to act like him, look like him, even has a cursed weapon he made..." Oh shit, what the fuck did I do? Even though Kazuha couldn't see his face he could sense the anger coming off the Balladeer, the hand around his neck twitched and his voice contorted into a silent whisper.

"Did you think I would grow attached? Or maybe you thought it would aid your mission to get closer to me." Crazed laughter rain out, "Funny you would think that would work considering the fact that Niwa, that bastard, was a traitor. I suppose you're one too."

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Kazuha finally gathered up the courage to say.

Fingers dug and pressed in on his throat. "What a filthy liar. Just like him." The Balladeer hissed out, "Since you insist on continuing to act like him, I'll take out my anger on you."

Kazuha gagged and choked struggling to get a word out. What is this guy on about?

Scaramouche let go of his throat, grabbed him by the hair and slammed him into the wall head first. Blood gushed out and Kazuha's vision blurred. The Balladeer said something he couldn't hear and a foot kicked him in the back. He crumpled to the ground only to be dragged back up and pinned against the wall. His blurry vision showed him the face of the Balladeer, stupidly beautiful and delicate for a mass murderer who was pointing a gun at him.

The Balladeer's hands slid down his pant. What is he doing?! Kazuha struggled against Scaramouche's firm, cold grip to no avail. Kazuha shivered as his lower half was exposed to the cold air, Snezhnaya was brutally cold even in the summer and even indoors. He didn't know how the people handled it. Scaramouche stroked his dick, watching it twitch, it was already hard and leaking. Kazuha moaned.

"Awwww, are you this turned on to getting fucked with a gun pointed at your head?" Scaramouche mocked. Kazuha's face burned in embarrassment, this was humiliating beyond words.

Scaramouche continued jerking Kazuha off as he shoved the gun barrel into his mouth, "Suck." He ordered. Kazuha hesitantly opened his mouth, saliva dripping around the gun barrel as he sucked it, cheeks hollowing and coating it with saliva.

After a few minutes Scaramouche retrieved the gun, he gave a sinister smile before spreading Kazuha's legs open and over his shoulder. That was when Kazuha realized what he was about to do, Scaramouche enjoyed his panicked expression and continued on with his course of action. He shoved the gun into his hole, shoving it in as far as he could as Kazuha screamed. The gun basically tore through his unprepared hole and tears hanged from his lashes. It hurt, even with his saliva serving as lubrication. He felt his walls clench the gun as Scaramouche fucks him with it in a quick pace from the start, all while Scaramouche continued to stroke his dick. Pain and pleasure blurred together as Kazuha cried and moaned. He would've preferred death over this—this was just humiliating—and the fact that he found himself enjoying this only made it worse.

"Look at you. Enjoying this, what a dirty whore." Scaramouche taunted, taking in Kazuha's expression as he comes undone.

Shit. Why is that so hot?

The dirty talk sent Kazuha over the edge, he cummed onto Scaramouche's hand with a whine. Scaramouche wiped his hand on Kazuha's shirt in disgust, "Already? You're more of a slut than I thought."

Kazuha whimpered pitifully at his words. "S-sorry..."

Scaramouche laughed and pulled the gun out of his ass. He clenched around nothing and frowned. Lips quivering and eyes shut as more tears fell down his flushed face. Scaramouche dropped the gun and wrapped his hand around his neck, choking him while his other hand unzipped his pants. After a half strangled cry from Kazuha, Scaramouche unwrapped his hand on his neck and moved his hands to hold Kazuha's waist. He thrusted into Kazuha's abused hole and bit into Kazuha's neck. Leaving red, angry, bleeding marks. Scaramouche licked up the crimson droplets with feverish excitement and purred against his skin. Kazuha whimpered and moaned against the harsh thrusts and bites. Tears fell onto Scaramouche's hair as he continued his abuse on Kazuha's neck. Then—

A knock.

Scaramouche halted—turning to look at the door with an annoyed glare—pulling out and letting go of Kazuha subconsciously.

"Sir harbinger. I heard screaming, is—" A fatui underlying started.

"Yes. Everything is fine. Go and leave before I have your head you dimwit! You're interrupting me!" Scaramouche shouted out.

When he turned back Kazuha was gone. There was no trace of him expect for a pair of gray underwear scattered on the floor. A breeze blew through the window where the white-haired man had escaped. He could see a small figure flying through the freezing cold landscape. Scaramouche groaned, he didn't even get to finish. At least that traitor didn't take the flash drive with him...but what am I gonna report to the Tsaritsa?

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