Chapter 2

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I was awaken by the car coming to a stop. For a few seconds before I opened my eyes, I thought I was going to wake up and Destiny would be in the front seat and we would be fulfilling our escape plan. But, I realized I was with the man who allowed her to be killed.

We were in front of a giant brick, Victorian house and the sun was starting to rise. Nicolas turns around and sees that I am awake. It looked like he has been crying and it didn't phase me as much as I thought it should. Men shouldn't cry, be a man. You didn't even know Destiny. She was my sister, my friend, my family. To you she was just another whore, same as me.

I started to get out of the car only to realize I am still dressed in only my bra and underwear and I automatically retreated back into the back seat. Nicolas goes into the trunk and pulls out a throw blanket and hands it to me. I drape it over my shoulders and admire the house. He has to be one of them. No way that him and Miguel have this much money and he is drug dealing for fun.

"It's my parents house, we are only going to be here for today. They aren't home, so don't worry. Do you have anywhere you want to go? Home? I will take you anywhere."

Home? You mean the house where the sperm donor and the birth mother live? No thank you. Honestly, I don't know where home is anymore.

"I... I don't have a home."

"You have to have somewhere you want to be."

No. I love being here with my kidnapper. Why me? Why couldn't he have taken Destiny. He went against his own brother, why couldn't he go against spike, I mean David also. Oh right, because he "loved" her.

I walk in front of him, ignoring his last statement. The front door is locked so I am forced to wait for him to unlock it.

He makes his way to the door and stops before turning the key.

"I'm so sorry." He sounded almost sincere.

After I didn't answer he turned the key and motioned me to go inside. It was even more grand on the inside. The dark wood floors matched the wood stair railing. The two marble stair cases curved and met in the middle on the second floor. Everything seemed to be taken out of a magazine. The walls were pained a dark red with gold accents such as; the mirrors and picture frames on the walls. Modern art covered the walls. This was taken straight out of a magazine.

"I need a bathroom and clothes." I say trying my best to not look completely engulfed in this mansion of a house.

"My sister still has some clothes here. You seem like her size maybe a little taller. And the bathroom is upstairs, take a right, and it's the last door on your left. That's her room, just use her bathroom."

I walk up the stairs making the blanket go to the floor so I can cover myself the most. Her room is plain and unused. The pink walls seem old and the posters on the wall look like they are from the 90's. I walk into the bathroom and of course, it is grand. All white and clean. The jacuzzi tub seems so inviting so I give in. Then, I pass the mirror. My blonde hair is everywhere, mascara streaming down my face, brown eyes scared, and my skin is pale and blotchy. I was suddenly embarrassed. Why? I don't have anyone to impress.

Before getting in I head into her room and find clothes that would seem to fit me. After, I head downstairs and ask Nicolas where the laundry room is, I needed to clean my bra and underwear before I put them on again since I am covered in powder. He tells me but, says that he will clean them for me but I decline. He continues to insist and I say that I will leave them along with the blanket outside of her door.

I ditched the idea of soaking in the tub and went straight into the shower. The water pressure was much different than that of the apartment that we shared with the men. The water cascaded down my body and the shower head massaged my back. I wash my hair and body and stepped out only to remember that I forgot a towel. I searched the bathroom and even the bedroom for a towel. Nothing. I opened the door about to yell for Nicolas and I look down and see that my clothes have been replaced with two white, fluffy towels. I silently thank him and hurry to dry off and change into the sweatpants and t-shirt. Not wearing any underwear and no bra was uncomfortable but not as uncomfortable as wearing somebody else's.

Heading downstairs, I heard music playing on the left side of the house. Against my better judgment, I walk towards the sound. I'm lead to a room and I recognize the song. It's the intro by the XX. That album got me through so much like when my dad wouldn't come home for nights at a time or when my mother drank herself into oblivion. It's been two years since I have heard that song and it is just as soothing.

I sit cross legged outside the door with my back to the wall. Eventually the song ended and more soothing music began to play. I must have sat there for half an hour just listening and then I heard the water shut off and the door open. I look on side of me and there in all his freshly showered glory is the Adonis.

Don't look at his body. Don't look at his body... But against my thoughts, I do it anyway. His body is still slightly wet from his shower and his hair still damp. The towel wrapped around his waist shows off the perfect V etched into his body.

No. Don't give him satisfaction. He is the reason your sister died.

"Don't mind me being cliche, but you like what you see?" He asked with a wink that could make a nun swoon.

With that, I got up and made my way down stairs and into the kitchen. The sun is just about to peak over the trees in the woods area across the street. The pinks blend together with the oranges and blues to make a perfect auroral effect in the sky. I have seen many sunrises before, but I never took time to actually look at one and see it's true beauty.

There is nothing in this kitchen. I say to myself as I open cabinets after pantry after refrigerator. Nothing. Now wonder this guy is so small.

Nicolas appears in the kitchen to tell me my undergarments are washed and dried. I run to the laundry room and retrieve the clothing I so desperately desired. Stripping in the closed room I feel so much better.

Back in the kitchen I smell pancakes. Just the thought of pancakes made my mouth water. Turning the corner I found Nicolas at the stove flipping pancakes. Where he got anything to make them I don't know.

"Do you like bananas?" He asked, I reluctantly nod. "Good. These are banana pancakes. All you need are two eggs and one banana."

I leave the kitchen in search if something to keep my mind off of things. On the walls, next to the staircases, are picture frames. Family pictures. Miguel when he was little, who knew such a cute baby could turn into such a cruel man? There was one particular picture that caught my eye. It is a family picture with, what seems to be their mom and dad, along with Miguel, and Nicolas. But, in the picture there are two girls. One that resembles the family and another that is different. She has long blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and one of the prettiest smiles I have ever seen. Who is she?

I heard someone clear their throat, I turn around to find Nicolas. "Breakfast is ready." I follow him into the kitchen, sit at the island, and start to eat. Halfway through eating I break the painful silence.

"What do you want with me?"

He drops his fork onto his plate, " I want to keep you safe. Some people would be grateful that I got them out of that hell hole." With that, he got up, put his plate in the sink and stormed upstairs. What the hell am I here for?

There was a knock at the door, I took it upon myself to see who it was, seeing that Nicolas would not come down. I opened the door only to be faced with Satan himself.


"What are you doing in my parents home?" He said with a laugh and a grin. He looked happy until his eyes locked with mine. Anger washed over his face, as he leaped towards me.

I dodged his lunged and tried my best to run upstairs quickly without falling. He followed behind me and was much more swift than I was. He grabbed my ankle, I fell and hit my chin on the marble step. I get flipped over and hit my head on the corner of the step. In seconds Miguel is on top of me, I hear Nicolas saying something to Miguel, or maybe it was me. My head is buzzing and the room was spinning. At some point Miguel was taken off of me and now him and Nicolas are fighting on the base of the stairs. I manage to keep my eyes open in time to see Nicolas literally throw Miguel out of the house. Then, my vision got blurry and my head hit the railing. All I saw was black.

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