2901618766 7952406163 4252257719 5429162991 9306455377
9914037340 4328752628 8896399587 9475729174 6426357455
2540790914 5135711136 9410911939 3251910760 2082520261
8798531887 7058429725 9167781314 9699009019 2116971737
2784768472 6860849003 3770242429 1651300500 5168323364
3503895170 2989392233 4517220138
1280696501 17844087451960121228 5993716231 3017114448 4640903890 6449544400
6198690754 8516026327 5052983491 8740786680 8818338510
2283345085 0486082503 9302133219 7155184306 3545500766
8282949304 1377655279 3975175461 3953984683 3936383047
4611996653 8581538420 5685338621 8672523340 2830871123
2827892125 0771262946 3229563989 8989358211 6745627010
2183564622 0134967151 8819097303 8119800497 3407239610
3685406643 1939509790 1906996395 5245300545 0580685501
9567302292 1913933918 5680344903 9820595510 0226353536
1920419947 4553859381 0234395544 9597783779 0237421617
2711172364 3435439478 2218185286 2408514006 6604433258
8856986705 4315470696 5747458550 3323233421 0730154594
0516553790 6866273337 9958511562 5784322988 2737231989
8757141595 7811196358 3300594087 3068121602 8764962867...
1 Million Digits of Pi
RandomThis is a wonderfully emotional story of pi to 1 million digits, starting with .1. If you didn't know, the first few digits of pi are 3.141592... etc. Pi is an incredible and powerful value we will ever encounter in our lives; I hope this book wil...