The Photoshoot

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My UK 🇬🇧/England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 tour was over and the rest of the, are you ready for it tour is not till next year which Is a little away I couldn't be happier for a break but then again I've got music videos to do and leaking sound of my music but today I'm going to release the album set list, photos of the album and the song I performed at London night one GET BACK so everyone better be ready for the release date which is sooner then expected.

Today I have a photo shoot but i don't want to get out of bed I have lotte's arms wrapped around me and I'm way to comfortable and just as I'm thinking that I feel arm pull away from me and body heat disappears.
"Aww I was comfy" I say pouting
"So was I Tee but we have to get up besides you have a photoshoot to go to" lotte say kissing my forehead and walking away
"Ugh I don't want to do it" I say louder so she can hear me
"Stop acting like a child when they have to go to school" she say laughing to herself

I get out of bed walk and walk to have breakfast. Lotte comes out smiling as always and sits with me we chat about random stuff till I finish breakfast and put the dishes in the sink.

"You should let me teach you to juggle a football" lotte says with a grin knowing a suck at football.
"We can do that instead of my photoshoot"I say smirking walking over to her, Her hands wrap around my waist and kisses my cheek
"I mean after and bedsides you've had this photoshoot book for what a month" she says letting go of me and getting up to brush her teeth
"uhhhh" I say

I walked after her and start doing my hair in a ponytail and when finished I brush me teeth Lotte goes and gets changed and I follow when finished my teeth picking out simple clothes to get changed into because I'm going to have to change so many times anyway. Lotte came out of the room is black pants and a matching black button shirt with her classic orange bucket hat. I was wearing a white long sleeve and grey tracksuit pants with a low ponytail and white platform converses.

"Remind me where your going again" I say looking at lotte
"Oh my gosh you have the poorest memory how do you remember your set list for shows" she say smiling while watching me tie my shoelace.
"I'm going out with Beth, Viv, Katie and Russo to lunch and I think Vic is going but I'm not positive" she said
"Do you want me to drop you there on my way to the photoshoot"I say hoping she does
"Uhh sure but won't it make you late"
"Only a little bit besides I don't need to do the photoshoot they need me to do the photoshoot"I reply walking over to her and sitting on the chair infront of her.
"Someone's a bit cocky"she says laughing
"I really don't want to do it but I will if I can drop you off plus beth left her jacket here from last week and you keep forgetting to give it to her, so remind me who's the forgetful one." I say grabbing her hands and intertwining them.
"Still you"
"But sure you can take me I don't think my car has a lot of gas remind me to do that by Wednesday"
"Hhmmhh" I mumble in between small kisses on the lips

An hour goes by of watching the TV until lotte says we can go now. We get in the car and drive to the restaurant shes going to for lunch and we have Beth's jacket in the back. Which we didn't forget this time, we arrive at the restaurant at the same time as Viv and Beth and I quickly get out and say hi
"Beth hold on before you go"I say turning around grabbing the Jacket from the back seat, turning around smiling I say
"Don't worry I didn't steal it"
"Oh my gosh thank you I thought I left it at the restaurant last week or something" she says in relief
"No problem anyways you all have fun" I say walking opening the car door
"Where are you going again I forgot" lotte says with a smirk
"Haha very funny Lot" I shut the door and get ready to drive off the girls start to walk inside and I drive to my photo shoot.

As I arrived there was paparazzi on the scene many of them had huge cameras flashing in my face as walk in. I walk in and slam the door behind me annoyed that I literally took a couple of steps and the whole time I had cameras in my face it just doesn't make sense I can go out to eat and be like a normal person with no big paparazzi just the occasional photographers taking pictures of me and my friend or lotte out, but when I got to a photoshoot they were everywhere probably because they want to see if they can get any important information out of me or any leaks to new projects, but manly photos to get money.

I got brought into the dressing room where there were snacks and drinks laid out as-well as a rack of cloths and a vanity full of makeup, hair tools, hats and accessories were under the clothes in clear boxes before we started I was chatting the the photographers and they showed me around the back areas where we taking outside pictures and then inside for the indoor photos.

I got taken back to the dressing room we're they did my makeup then hair and choose the accessories and the clothes I was wearing. We went through all the outfits and eventually got into the first one. Then after taking many pictures off one outfit when did close up photos that showed the my face and the shirt once finished the first outfit we moved one to the next makeup look whilst the wardrobe team were choosing how to style the next outfit.

Lotte's POV:

Viv and I were having go a just whilst the other girls were having the conversations

"Is she disappointed about the UK 🇬🇧/ England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 shows being over and no more tour till next year" Viv asked which got the attention of the other girls
"I think she's more relieved about them being over for a bit like right before she came to UK 🇬🇧/ England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 she went to Australia 🇦🇺 and then America 🇺🇸, because the US and Australia were her most wanted shows, she then had the UK 🇬🇧 right after I think she is a bit tied" I say responding
"I mean I think that is totally understandable considering she was none stop performing in 3 different countries & States" Vic says chiming into the conversation
" Yeah totally and then next year she has to do Germany 🇩🇪 , Spain 🇪🇸, Spain which is a long one but to be fair she had lots of family up there and then she's got Brazil 🇧🇷 and I think she's doing Portugal 🇵🇹 and then the Philippines 🇵🇭, Japan 🇯🇵, Canada then she's going back to the America🇺🇸 and then Australia 🇦🇺 to finished the tour and then at the end of the year she'll come back the England because there's a awards thing for like personality's of the year so like sports personality's and actor personality and singers and so one and if she doesn't get a nomination she'll still go because she's performing so yeah, well that took a breath to many"

(A/N there might not be but I don't care it's just for the story)

We slowly finish up talking about TK and start to talk about other stuff and continue to before and after our food comes.

2 hours later


After a ridiculously long day of shooting I was tied but had a couple more photos to take. 7/10 of these won't even be used for the magazine and Insta why do we need so many I thought.

I little while longer I finished the photos and some of the stuff members where taking my makeup of and asking me questions these people I have known for a bit because I've done photoshoots with them before.

"So how's Lotte and you been, you two seem quite cute and happy together" The makeup artist Carlo says whilst taking my makeup off
"We're great we're doing good" I say smiling at the thought of our relationship
"Ohh all I do is have to say her name and your red as a beetroot" He says to me smiling
"No I'm pretty sure that's just you whipping my face to hard with the makeup wipe" I say with a smirk on my face
"Yeah yeah you coverup" he says walking away laughing

I get up and grab my causal clothes and head to the change rooms my phone goes off


Lotte❤️: Love I'm gonna get Viv to drop me off if that's alright just so you don't have to rush 💕🥰

TK: Alright probably best with all the paparazzi around the area might take me a while to get there

I replied then got changed. I left the building with some security and got to my car. I arrived home and eventually got into the building where I could park and get to my apartment. I had by bags and walked to the elevator. The elevator didn't stop so I got straight to my floor and went to the end of the hallway and straight to my door I knocked on it to see if lotte was near and she was. The door opened to Reveal lotte and a white sports bra and black leggings

" You're really making do football this afternoon aren't you" I say looking and her we a bothered look
"Yep and we'll have fun" she said pulling me into the apartment and shutting the door I dropped my bags realising what I was in for it wasn't that I didn't like football it's just i feel bad because I can't do it very well and it make me feel guilty that lotte is trying to teach me but I just can do it. Whatever I'll suck it up for Lotte I thought walking to our room. I grabbed my black sports bra and Blue leggings.

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