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☆ 85. Chapter 76
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Chapter 76:

China’s cars with Navigators are suppressed in the name of safety and are temporarily not allowed to enter the European and American markets.

However, such restrictions cannot last forever. Sooner or later, cars with the Navigator will enter the European and American markets, and it will be a crushing market.

Of course they can't just sit back and watch this happen.

So, the order came.

"No, not a single one." Lu Yue was furious and refused on the spot.

Hao Cheng: "Sister, I think so too."

What a bullshit.

Aren't they quite capable when they were faced with technical barriers?

Now when we are looking to buy technology from them, the people they send are still aloof and aggressively lower the prices, as if they will definitely compromise if they are reluctant to part with the huge markets of Europe and the United States.

Grandpa doesn’t want to hold back on this.

Hao Cheng happily rejected SATT's order. Of course, he couldn't say that he wouldn't sell to them. He could only say that domestic orders were scheduled for two years and he would not accept overseas orders for the time being.

That's it.

Mike, the person in charge of Satt, was dumbfounded. "Mr. Hao, country M has always been a big country in the use of cars. Satt is the world's number one selling car brand. I don't think it is a smart decision for you to refuse our order."

"Oh." Hao. Cheng said calmly: "That can't be helped. Our Feiyue is a small company with only so much productivity. We can't even take the current orders. Satt is so big and we can't take it anymore." Mike was speechless.

Sure enough, Young people are just unreliable.

Mike added: "We can provide funds and factories, Feiyue provides technology, and produce together."

"No way."


Hao Cheng spread his hands helplessly: "We have no idea of overseas authorization and technical support for the time being. "

To put it bluntly, it is impossible to provide this technology to Satt.

Hao Cheng's completely unprogressive attitude made Mike feel as sick as eating a fly. He suppressed his anger: "You can only produce the core components of the technology to keep it confidential, and leave the rest to us for production and assembly."

Hao Cheng was very sorry. Said: "Our current production is limited, and the most difficult thing is the production of core components, so there is nothing we can do to help."

Damn it!

It's back again!

Satt represented Mike and left in confusion.

Hao Cheng hummed a tune happily and went to his sister to celebrate.

And Lu Yue was sitting in front of the computer, trying to get angrier.

In the group, Zhang Lan and the others also exploded.

Zhang Lan: "Take my favorite Pang Dajun to attack my motherland. Damn BGC and I are at odds with him."

Qiu Yunluo: "What a fucking BGC, why didn't Lao Chuan kill him!"

Cai Yuling: " What are you talking about?"

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