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November 13, 2317
11:30 p.m.

"This is where you guys live?! What the fuck is this place?!" Wooyoung and yeosang shouted simultaneously leaving the luxurious black car they drove in. Yunho was timid while seonghwa, he was stunned. "Well, this is our base. Make yourself at home." Hongjoong  apprised making his way to the main door, leaving the omegas flabbergasted.

"Wait, at home? We're staying here?" Yunho asked, and Seonghwa nodded. "I'm gonna live in a luxurious mansion filled with alphas and betas, not to mention the luxurious cars, and we're in the middle of the forest." Yeosang slapped wooyoung's shoulder and laughed at the tone of his voice.

"Welp." Yunho mumbled, fiddling with his fingers and sighed. "Does mom knows about this?" He asked seonghwa, feeling nervous and timid at the new atmosphere. Seonghwa smiled and caressed yunho's fingers immediately, making the omega relax. "He's the one who came up with this idea." Mingi answered, and yunho made a surprise expression.

"It's as if I'm being put in an arranged marriage or something." Seonghwa burst out laughing.  If only they knew he thought chuckling at his own thoughts before following behind Hongjoong.

Entering through the huge thick dark door of the mansion, the omegas were once again left speechless. Chandeliers, huge pretty pillars, clean white tiles, you name it. "I don't think I'm gonna get used to this. It's too sudden, too much." Yeosang stated, observing the beauty of a house he was inside of.

"You guys rooms are on the second floor." Was all Hongjoong informed before leaving the group and disappearing behind pillar. "Oh wow, that's cool, Imma go to my room." Wooyoung laughed at yeosang's sarcasm while the alphas chuckled. "Follow us, we'll escort you." San spoke through his chuckles, leading the way to upstairs.

While walking through the halls of the mansion, you could always see a maid or an alpha at any corner you go. Coming across four separate doors, the group comes to a stop. "Make yourself at home, and don't worry about clothes. All of that was settled with Jimin." Jongho mentioned and was about to leave when yeosang stopped him. The alpha stopped his footing to turn his attention at the stunned omega. Yeosang was surprised at his own action and couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed at himself.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked shyly, feeling wooyoung's teasing stares at the back of his head. "Oh, we have unfinished business to attend, but you'll see us in the morning." He explained, smiling gently at the omega before leaving with San and mingi behind him.

As soon the alpha couldn't no longer be seen, wooyoung threw his body onto yunho and started to mimic the embarrassing scene, making yeosang frowned. "W-Where are you guys going? I can't be left alone. I'm scared." Yeosang rolled his eyes and marched into his room, leaving a cackling wooyoung and yunho. Seonghwa chuckled at the two before entering his own room, leaving wooyoung and yunho in the empty hall.

They both stared at each other for a minute before bursting out laughing again. "Oh yeosang's so adorable it's funny." Yunho nod agreeing to wooyoung's word. They both sighed before fist bumping and eventually entering their room.


November 14, 2317
3:00 a.m.

"Help! Someone, please help me!" A desperate voice could be heard crying from the dark alley of Busan Street. Their body was filled with bruises, eyes filled with tears, and their scent, toxic.

"Get the omega. He went that way!"

The boy paled. "Cmon, cmon, what to do?!" The omega mumbled, panicking at his horror situation. He immediately started to observe his surroundings and tried to find a spot to hide. That's when he smelt the soothing scent of white musk and jasmine.

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