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"I wanna go back."

"What if they're hurt? I mean, it's just paint, but I'm still worried."

"Do you think they're safe?"

Yunho giggled at the worrisome omega at his side. He ruffled the omega's head before smiling, reassuring that everything was under control.  Felix only sighed. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay lixie, it's normal to worry over your family. " yunho stated, making the younger smile. Walking side by side through the eerie forest, felix clings onto yunho's hand.

"There's the huge tree Jin hyung told us about." Felix apprise running towards the huge tree. "How am I supposed to climb that?" Yunho mumbled bewildered. He soon after sighed.

"Let's just get this over with."

And thus he climbed.

Carefully, he grabbed onto the thick branches, slowly ascending the huge tree. The more he climbed, the more his nerves were screaming at him. It wasn't a building where he could easily strude up or down the stairs, but a tree where a branch could break at any time endangering his life.

"Mingi and Chan are on a move."

Yunho sighed. He was about to place his foot on another branch when his muscles tensed. Instantaneously, the branch broke.

"Yunho!!" Felix screamed as he witnessed yunho falling. His whole body frozed. Yunho groaned in pain as he immediately used his other hand and grabbed onto a firm branch. He used his last ounce of strength and pulled himself up until he was sitting comfortably.

"F-Felix, contact Jin. I need help, and I think my left arm is broken."

Felix paled. "Y-You're bleeding!" Yunho bit his lip suppressing his groan. He glanced down at the stab wound on his abdomen and frowned. Gently, he used his free hand, holding the wound. He closed his eyes as he rested his head.

"W-We need help! Yunho got hurt!" Felix screamed with tears pooling his eyes. His eyes never once left Yunho.

"Huh? What's the matter, lix?"

"I-Its Yunho! He was climbing the tree you told him to b-but he ended up getting hurt. His left arm is broken, and he has a stab wound on his abdomen. "

"Shit. Stay where you are, Felix,  Wooyoung's on his way to you right now."

Felix sighed. The strong mixture of metallic and vanillas filled his nose as he restlessly watched Yunho. "I hope he's not suffering too much." He mumbled, suddenly feeling a hot sensation on his nape.

He gently caressed it before sighing. The freckled omega opened his bag, holding suppressants' pill and syringe. He frowned as he remembered he didn't have any liquid to wash down the pill and glared at the syringe.

Not wanting to become a bother to the others, he took the syringe. He hissed at the uncomfortable feeling before throwing it away in the nearby bushes and resting his head on the tree.

After a couple of minutes of taking the suppressant, felix became a panting mess. He fell to his side as he hugged his knee, groaning in pain.

"Why did it get worse?" He whined, grabbing his bag and immediately started rummaging through it. As his hand grazes over the syringe, his body shudders.

He paled.

"Didn't Yunho and Hwa take something similar to this earlier?" He softly mumbled, moaning in pain as he slowly looked up and bit his lip. There was Yunho, grabbing his lower abdomen with a flustered face as he gasped for air.

"Oh no."

He was in pain already. Now, his heat came. This was just plain torture for the older omega. This led to the area being filled with cherry blossom and vanilla phermones.

"Oh shit, Jin hyung, I've found them. They're in heat." Wooyoung immediately informed as he rushed to Felix's side. The moment Wooyoung's hands touched Felix, he shivered.

"Jin hyung, call for Channie hyung and Mingi right now. The whole war is on hold for n–Hng!"

Wooyoung whole body instantly heated up as he pushed Felix away from him. He instinctly grabbed for his nape and shuddered.

"S-Sorry, I thought you were Channie hyung." Felix softly apologized about to cry, but Wooyoung quickly hushed the omega.

"Wooyoung?! Is everything alright? "

Wooyoung could only scoffed. He forgot felix was also a dominant omega and let his guard down, resulting in his situation.

"Woo! Are you okay?! Where are you right now."

Wooyoung almost moaned when he heard his alpha's voice and bit his lip. The omega was about to inform his whereabouts when he smelt a scent he wished he'd never inhaled again. A scent way too familiar that it scared both him and felix.

Noticing the familiar silhouette, they both began to panicked.

"N-No." Felix cried, tightening his grip around Wooyoung, who could only stare in disbelief and fear.

"What are you doing here."

The alpha smirked. He marched his way until he was exactly in front of the omegas.

"Obviously for my two omegas, of course."

They flinched. "Is that yunho? He's badly injured, isn't he? Hmm. I should take him too, as a repayment for our great past." Wooyoung paled. If it weren't for felix right now, he could've easily fought back and gotten away.

But he couldn't.

"It's better to hurry and leave right now, especially when I have that enigma's mate."

Wooyoung heart stopped. Jimin? He has Jimin? Eomma? Wooyoung tensed. Instead of being scared, he was stunned.
How did he get a hold of jimin when Jungkook's here? Weren't they with Jin and Namjoon when I left?

He was confused. His grip around felix instinctly tightened when he felt a physical contact.

"Don't touch me?!"

Hanseok whistled before smirking. "Oh? If I remember correctly, you have an alpha similar kind to me, correct?" Wooyoung only scoffed. "Shut the fuck up! Unlike you, he's caring. Go fuck yourself and go back to that mate of yours."

Instead of getting angry, Hanseok smiled. He sighed as his men suddenly appeared. "Get that omega and wrap him up."

"Don't touch him!"

"Shh, instead of worrying about him, worry about yourself." Without warning, he released his phermones. Due to the immensity of his scent, Wooyoung and Felix submitted. Their eyes filled with tears as they wheezed vigorously.

"H-Help... me...San." Wooyoung softly cried to himself as his consciousness slowly faded.

Felix held wooyoung close his nape as he glared hatefully at the alpha. "My alpha will come for me.. Our alpha will save us."

Hanseok smirked.

"How will they? They don't even know who the traitors are."

Felix smiled. He rested his head on top of Wooyoung's before whispering something into his earpiece. 

"I did it."

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