-23- 𝒜𝓃𝓎𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔

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A/n: This chapter will be Lesso's pov
purely, the next chapter will then switch back over to yours and Ms. Momeyer.
With that being said, let's dive in!


It's been a day and every seconds, minutes, hours. Tore at Lesso. Not having you by her side was driving her crazy, not seeing your smile or not getting the chance to look into those captivating eyes made her insane.
           She was simply becoming a mad women, a mad women all over you— because of Rafal. Rafal.... The enemy.

There was a knock at the door and Lesso told the person that they could enter the office "Hey, are you doing okay?" The voiced asked approaching the desk.
             Lesso stood up quickly hands resting against the fine wood "Did they find her? Or get a clue? A mark? Anything?!" The anticipation chomping at her.

"No, the guards are still searching. I'm sorry Lesso..." Dovey replied.— "Oh..." Lesso mumbled slumping back into her desk chair. Disappointment entering her blood stream, Dovey sat down in a chair gazing over to the sadden Dean. "Clarissa... I miss her, she was the only good thing that happened to me. Other than you of course because your my closest friend, but intimately, you know?"

"I know Lesso... I know and it's okay to feel this way. We're trying our best to find her, myself and Emma sent a few of your guards over to nearby villages hoping anyone saw something. It's a stretch for now..." Dovey clarified.
Lesso looked up at her friend smiling softly, to let Dovey know that she thanks her for trying and supporting her through all of this.

"Clarissa, does the Schoolmaster know what happened?"— "Yes, he does"

"Did he speak on the situation?"— "No..."

This only made Lesso furious, how could he not speak up about this. For crying out loud a student that's attending his institution was kidnapped by his brother, his evil brother who's planning to kill everyone including him.
           Does he not care? Is he even scared for his life? Does he not care that everyone's in danger?

"Dovey there's something really fishy about him..." Lesso mumbled.

"How is that?"

"Clarissa. He doesn't show up when his brother is terrorizing the ceremony. One of his students being Y/n got kidnapped by his brother and he does nothing! Rafal his brother is planning to kill us all just to obtain all the magic in the world and he stays silent? Yeah there's something wrong with him" Lesso explained.
         Dovey nodded listening to Lesso's rant, but slowly understanding that she's right.

"So? What do we do?" Dovey asked.

Lesso sighed leaning back into the chair, shaking her side to side at a slow rate "I don't know..." She whispered.

"Wait! His tower, I bet there's answers in his tower" Lesso had shot forward fron her seat.
        Dovey chuckled putting her hands out in front of her— her eyebrows furrowed "Okay slow down. We can't just invade his privacy like that. Two, it is strictly forbidden that anyone enters his tower" Dovey warned.

"Yes, but you or Emma or even Yuba or Manly can distract him for me. All I need is fifteen minutes in there" Lesso tried to reason.— "Leonora no. Are you insane you'll get in trouble, you and the Schoolmaster isn't really on good terms since you threatened his life" Lesso chuckled at the last part.

"Lesso! That isn't funny"

"It is actually" Lesso smirked.— "But please Dovey, can you pull some strings?"

"No Leonora, I will not" Dovey said getting up Lesso rushed over standing in front of her dearest friend. "Please Clarissa, fifteen minutes is all I'm asking for. If not for me then for Y/n, I will never forgive myself if anything bad was to happen to her again."

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