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A/n: Back to yours and Momeyer's POV with Rafal. Let's dive in!


"Y/n, it's time to get up dear" Momeyer shook you from your sleep. You groaned slightly; but surely you woken up, looking around that same overwhelming devastating feeling washed over.
Remembering Momeyer and yourself were being held hostage God knows where.

You sighed putting on a smile "Morning mom" You whispered.— "Good morning hun, how'd you sleep?"

You snickered in disbelief hearing the word 'good' with that, being in this cell, this situation was far from good. The only thing that was decent enough and manageable was that you were relieved to have her back with you, to be reunited. Even though she was vaguely injured because of this so called Rafal.
"Wouldn't really call it a 'good' morning" You commented.— "But I slept alright, due to your comfort, I thank you for that" You added on.

"Oh hunny, quit with the 'thanking' you don't have to thank me when I do something nice for you. You deserve it because you behave yourself, you're a really obedient kid. And you show affection to everyone you come across.
You deserve to be loved Y/n, so stop thanking people when they do it. I simply love you because your like the daughter I could never have, and 'I' thank you for that" She went on explaining.

Well that's a way to start the morning off, isn't it? Already being brought to the water works, it's hilarious actually.
Dabbing your eyes to get rid of the few tears that were already to show you chuckled a bit, you sat up and stretched— yawning.

"So, this 'plan'. What did you have in mind?"

You let that soak in. What did you have in mind? Guess this was the steps that needed to be obeyed to start a brainstorming process, almost like trying to figure out a question you forgot to study for; for an exam.
Pacing back and forth, nibbling at your index finger; the thumb resting against your delicate chin. Your other arm against your chest.

Gosh brainstorming could be a pain, closing your eyes trying to remember any details from the day before. Then a thought flew in that little mind of yours.

"Keys, I remembered him having to unlock the door with a set of keys. He had uh— I believe he keeps them in one of his coat pockets"

"That's brilliant!" Ms. Momeyer whispered.

"He'll have to check on us eventually"

Not even seconds after saying that the door open and Rafal came in, he took you by the arm bringing you along with him.

"Y/n!" Ms. Momeyer shouted rushing to the door that had seemingly slammed in her face.

"Where are we going?!" You quivered.— "We need to revisit a little chat we had" He replied.
Taking you to an office he shoved you down in a chair; landing with a grunt. Making his way he sat down, staring at you, admiring you, studying... you.

"Y/n of Gavaldon... What to do? What to do?" He mumbled.— You sat there a bit tense, scared, why did he want to talk? For all you knew he was tired and done with you, right?
After the last altercation of course.

He leaned forward his elbows resting against the table. You observed him doing so, evidentially your eyes looked over the table quickly. You manage to see a pair of scissors, that could come in handy.

A soft smirk invaded his face "I want to offer you a deal" You a raised a brow curious.

He got up and walked over to the big window his back turned to you, this was your chance. You got up and reached your hand out flickering your eyes seeing that he was still turnt— you took the scissors, pulling your sleeves down to hide it.

"If you join over to my side be my accomplice, I'll spare you and what's her name? Momeyer. I've been observant of you two and I've witness how close you are. But it's up to you if you want to die along side the others, what do you say?"
He spoke now turning to you.

As much as you love Ms. Momeyer, you wouldn't dare let Lesso die or the girls. You loved her too much, you depended on her, you lived for her, you thrived... for her.
             You would rather die by her side.

You scoffed. "I love Ms. Momeyer, because she's special to me and I adore her dearly" You spoke softly.
           "But never in a million years, would I ever. Let the love of my life be killed if I wasn't by her side" you added on, standing on your statement.

He shook his head, slowly walking back to the desk "Tch, tch, tch. You just don't know how to live, do you? You get an offer for your life and someone else's to be spared, but you would rather give it all up over love?"

"Something you don't know anything about" You clapped back.

"Dumb girl. I know love, in fact I used to be in love, in love with Lesso. If you didn't know me and her were together years ago. So trust me when I say I know what love is"

"Tch, you say that. But it's not doing anything, you talking about your past relationship with her doesn't make me jealous. Because at the end of the day I know she'll always choose me, even kill. Just how she'll kill you when she sees you again"

He walked towards you and grabbed you by the arm holding it tightly.

"You really don't know how to shut up do you?" He spoke through gritted teeth.

You stared at him as he was just inches away from your face, watching his facial expressions.
          You slowly smiled, and he cocked a brow "Heh. Guess I don't" You remarked. Letting the scissors slide down a little you gripped them with all your might, proceeding to stab him in his left thigh. He let you go— screaming in agony. 
        You took this as your chance to reach in his pocket for the keys, once you equipped them you dashed out the office sprinting as fast as your legs took you.

Making it back to the cell you hurriedly unlocked it running to Ms. Momeyer's side.
        "Come on mom we have to go now!" You yelled- whispered; helping her to her feet, you wrapped her arm around your shoulder leading her out the gloomy room.

"What happened?! Where are we going?!"
She asked nearly frightened and confused.

Your head snapped back as you heard more yelling behind you, "No time to explain, just know we're getting the hell out of here" You grunted, turning a corner you remembered taking when Rafal brought you here.

"Where does this leads to?"

"The exit"

"Reader!" You heard from a distance.

"No more talking Ms. Momeyer we need to get out of here" You demand, picking up the pace of your walking. You could see the door enter your peripheral vision and hurried to it, once you opened the door. You looked away quickly, being trapped in the building; you didn't even know what time of day it was. Turns out it was day, the sun was so bright; it hurt both of your eyes for a second.
You turned back and Ms. Momeyer did so too.

When you had turned around your eyes widened.

"Y/n!" A familiar person called.

"Y/n of Gavaldon! Don't you dare move!" Another familiar person called.

You turned to Momeyer and she to you, deciding on what to do...

A/n: Cliffhanger!

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