The Murderer Is Revealed...

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Silver, Kaede, Kat, and Shade had all walked into the conductor's car.

Kaede: In my short time working here, I have yet to visit the conductor's car! Feels empty... Wait... Where's Rantaro?

Silver: That's odd... I haven't seen him throughout the train at all! Last I saw him is when he left the dining car!

Shade: Something clearly happened here!

Kat: Nothing we can't figure out! Come on! Time to investigate!

Silver: Let's crack on! [They went over to a mug] Did this mug fall over when the train sped up?

Kat: Not sure... Wait... What does it say on the mug? [She read the mug] A cup of joe in your hand, your family by your side, paradise!

Shade: Alright, we get it! Rantaro loves his sister! [They looked at the microphone]

Amy: A microphone! We can talk to the whole train with this!

Kaede: Should I say something? Hmm... [She started reaching for the microphone]

Kat: Kaede, why are you reaching for the microphone?


Kat: Really...?

Kaede: Hehehe

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Kaede: Hehehe... Just thought I'd let them know...

Silver: Thank you for sharing, Kaede... [They looked at the vent] A vent!

Kat: A large one! Seems like at least one person could fit through!

Silver: Not a problem for me or Kat, but I'm not sure how Kaede and Shade would get up there!

Kaede: Wait... Why wouldn't it be a problem for you?

Silver: Uh...

Shade: Wow...

Kat: Really...?

Kaede: Oh yeah... Telekinesis... [She facepalmed] STUPID!!!!! [They looked at the screen]

Kat: I noticed these screens all over the train! 

Kaede: Yeah! They're used to show announcements and advertisements! They're nice, and the pictures really clear! I'd watch a movie on it!

Kat: I saw a slide that said Happy Birthday, Kat Dearest! It was adorable! The next ad for men's soap was a little weird, though...

Kaede: The high-quality screens probably didn't do that ad any favors...

Kat: Not at all! Perhaps too much detail! [They went over to the robotic arms]

Shade: I didn't realize the robotic arms could drive the train...

Kaede: Yeah! But they can access everything on the train like Rantaro can!

Shade: Did Rantaro teach you how to drive it?

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