Chapter 13

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Late late late, how many times she will get late ? As soon as she reach the Music house and step towards the class the receptionist stops her.

"The class is cancelled"

"Cancelled? When?" She took out her phone and saw the message that came half an hour before and she didn't even bother to look at it.

"Okay then I will leave" She smiled at the receptionist

"Wait Beta"


"Sorry Mam"

She smiled "it's okay you are elder. Beta is very much better"

"Veer is at the terrace, you can meet him"

She frowns "He is here but still he cancelled the class"

The receptionist gives her a water bottle "I think you should meet him and I am sorry that I am sending you to the furious angry Veer but I think, He will like your presence"

Furious Veer?? No, she was not having a thought that she have the power to change him, his habits or his anger but she wants to know if he is okay.

She keeps her guitar there itself and took the water bottle with her towards the terrace and she found his Guitar into pieces and two three cigarette's crushed down on the floor, some blood drops and on the chair he is sitting with his head down.

She slowly move towards him "Veer" She calls out his name in fear and some nervousness but for now she is concerned.

He lift up his head and his eyes are so red, He frowns "What are you doing here? The class is cancelled, Aunty didn't inform you?"

She wanted to leave because of his tone but stood there observing his face. Which has cut on his lips and near his cheek it's dark red. His hand is bandaged which was done by Aunty.

She place the bottle in front of him "She did and about the class, I saw the message after reaching here"

"You should leave Simran" He close his eyes

"I will, Can I just sit here for a while. I won't ask anything" She points out at the chair.

He looks at her and said nothing before shifting his gaze away.

She sat there silently and after that she said "Your blood is very dark red in colour"

He raised his brows.

"Yeah, Mine is lighter than yours"

He was feeling better. He got into a fight with his relatives Son who was cursing his family and cursing him when he went to ask for the his father's report which his father by mistake left.

He was just calm but then he got a call making him angry again.


"What do you mean you can't get the doctor?" He barked "Listen take as much money as you want just fetch the doctor"

Simran got scared due to his screaming.

He cuts the call and in frustration he throws the chair "Veer" She screams his name and got up taking step towards him.

"What have I done to get this punishment Simran? Am I not a human? Don't I feel pain?" He shouts "I can't go to my father to America this quick when He needs me. My tickets are for tomorrow there is no way available"

He breaths heavily "If something will happen to him, I won't be able to survive"

"Don't say like that Veer" She said in a low voice walking closer to him.

"Everyone thinks of me like a loser. I couldn't save my mother, she was suffering from cancer. I begged for money but no one...No one helped me Simran. My father took loan's and I was in college. My friends left me you know why? Because I asked them for help, I just asked for simple help. Even the girl I was with left me for same. I needed someone that time to tell me that nothing will happen to my mother she will be fine. Only Kartik helped as much as he could but still"

He got on his knees and his eyes were filled with tears. He looked up at her with tear and blinked his eyes.

"My mother left me Simran. Me and My dad alone" He rubbed his tears and she sat in front of him and kept her hand on his thigh.

He gazed at her. She rubs his arm "Uncle will be fine Veer"

He nods and she rubs his tears.

"It hurts Simran, I can't think of my dad leaving me alone" He complained like a small child and he didn't wanted to be mature now.

He showed her his most vulnerable side and it was aching her heart.

She cups his cheek and place his head near her neck and run her hands through his hairs and rubbed his back "He will be fine Veer. Don't panic, everything will be okay"

He wraps his arms around her and cry. Oh the way he is crying miserably.

He wanted to cry this way for so long but after her mother, he lost his tears but now feeling the warmth from her, he let it go.

He was done crying and moved back. Her Shoulder was wet due to his tear's.

She got up and took the water bottle and he drank it. He rubbed his nose and wiped his tears. He got up and so did she. He took out the cigarette packet and was about to lit it up when she stopped him "Cigarette causes cancer Veer. Cancer which took your mom away from you and instead of Hating it, you are showing love to it...don't you think it's cruel for yourself and your Dad. I know your Dad will be fine but will he be fine when he will get to know that his son smokes ? And I don't want you to have cancer but this can cause it. You have to decide a life were you can take care of your dad or leave him all alone with no one"

He breaths speaking nothing and throws the cigarette packet away. He takes out nicotex from his pocket and have one.

"Sorry I can't offer you this" He said sniffing and she smiled a bit at him and he bends his head down.


She texted him daily to ask if uncle is good if he himself is okay or not and he used to explain what doctors have said about his health.

He was out of danger and the operation was successful but he needs to be taken care. Regular check ups and no stress should be taken by his father which he has to make sure.

This week there was no classes but it will be the next week as Veer and his father will be back to India. He was in relief that his father was okay now and also that there was someone to check upon him and took time to talk to him.

She used to distract him from negative thoughts by sending him the guitar tunes which she practiced.
She just to make him feel better woke up at nights but later on came back to the usual time of sleeping.

Now the days passed and there was a text on the Music group by Veer - Class tomorrow from 4pm to 6pm, The artist is missing YOU all!

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