Chapter 10

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They took a seat in the corner and they have ordered cappuccino and he has asked for Pasta with Garlic bread.

He broke the silence between them by suggesting "You should try thin crust pizza of this cafe it's really very nice"

"I think there is a better place were you can get the best pizza with lots of cheese and less price"

He frowns "really?"

She nods "it's not here but it was near my college when I was doing graduation and I have tried food of many places. I have explored almost every restaurant of this city. I hardly think I have left one"

"You have been there with friends or someone, I mean boyfriend?" He spoke with a flat tone not to let her know that he was curious to know about it.

She giggled "Boyfriend, I don't need a boyfriend when I have a best friend who treats me like her girlfriend. The amount of flirting we have done with each other I don't think I can do with a boy"

She didn't knew why she was sharing all this with him but she just wants to, so she is and also because after coming to this place he is the first person who wants to listen to her.

"You both are sure that you are not lesbians?"

This question made her laugh and he enjoyed the view "No we are sure about the fact that we are not lesbians because we are attracted to mens"

He keeps his hand on the table "can you prove it ?"

"Prove? Is there a need to prove everything? I don't think I can explain this but if I try then, I have felt butterflies due to my crushes in school and college. I blush so hard when I watch something romantic and I know that I want to spend my life with a loving partner"

He smiles at her.

Their order came on the table and he offered her food but she denied.

"Umm Can I ask you something?" She asked taking a sip and also feeling nervous


"Umm, you and Diya, you both are dating right?"

He coughs after having a sip of his drink "who told you this?" He was a bit serious while asking this and she got scared.

Watching her discomfort he controls and said "Sorry, It's just I don't like fake rumours about me so it makes me angry"

She didn't knew if was right to give him advice but she couldn't control her philosophical self "It's okay but there is always a time to burst out I think and it's in our own hands"

He nods agreeing to her "I am not dating her by the way"

She felt content listening to that.

Then all of a sudden he spoke "But I feel I am on a date with a girl named Simran"

She nods and it took her time to process his words. She looks at him with wide eyes. Date, they are on a date? He thinks it's a date?

He chuckles at her shocked face "It's fine if you don't like the idea of dating me. I was just saying just like that"

She let out a breath relaxing.

"I know you won't date me"

"Why?" She asked immediately

"Because I smoke and probably you and Amir like each other" He shrugged

She blink her eyes "No, Amir and Me are not a thing and secondly if the person is nice, smokes in a limit then I can think about being with him"

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