Chapter 7: Bonding

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I start sobbing and hug him tighter. We just lay there in silence.
I had two more nightmares last night. Blake stayed with me the whole time, cuddling with me. He didn't help get rid of the nightmares, but he helped comfort me, which I really needed.

I woke up to a note next to me from Blake. It said, "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you. I had to tend to my dad. Jason will be at the house with you shortly to take you home."

Jason hasn't arrived yet, so I have just been sitting here charging my phone. Blake doesn't have any female clothes, so I guess I am stuck wearing his sweats for now. It's not too bad. They are comfy and smell good.

Messages are coming in rapidly on my phone since it was dead the whole night. They are all from my mom. I quickly text her back that I'm okay and will be home soon.

I hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. That must be Jason. The footsteps stop, and I hear a soft knock on the bedroom door.

I yell, "You can come in."

The doorknob turns slowly. Jason appears in the doorframe with a bag in his hand. He is wearing his usual black leather jacket and has the same scowl he always has on his face. Maybe that is just his resting face. He tosses the bag at me.

He shrugs, "Got you some things."

I reach for the bag and open it. Inside are clothes, soap, a toothbrush, a bag of chips, and sour gummy worms. Wow, this is so thoughtful of him. He didn't have to do this. I look up at Jason, and he is watching me.

I smile, "Thank you so much! I appreciate it."

He shrugs, "It's no problem. I didn't buy breakfast because I thought we could go together this morning."

I nod, "Sure, let me just get dressed. I will meet you downstairs."

He nods and exits the room. I hop off the bed and grab the bag with me to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and let it heat up. I grab the soap out of the bag; it is cotton candy-scented. It smells delicious.

After a long hot shower, I dry myself off and take a look in the mirror. My face is no longer puffy, and my lips aren't swollen. I still have the bruises, however. I grab the clothes Jason got me. He got me leggings and a blue hoodie with a butterfly on it. He also got me white tennis shoes. I wonder how he knew my size.

I slip the clothes on and head downstairs. Jason is leaning on the front door, scrolling through his phone. He looks up at me, and relief washes over his face.

"Finally, you were taking forever."

"Sorry, I needed a hot shower."

He nods and opens the door. He lets me step out first, then trails behind me. He owns a gray truck. He opens the passenger side for me. I hop in, and he shuts it behind me. He walks over to the driver's side and hops in.

He looks over at me, "Are you good? Do you have everything?"

I nod, "Yes."

He smiles slightly, "great."

Wow, that is the first time he has smiled at me. He puts the key in the ignition and starts it. He reaches for the radio and turns the dial until a talk show comes on. He backs out of Blake's driveway and heads for the road.

Jason glances at me and then the road, "I didn't know what candy you liked. Sour worms are my favorite, so I got those."

I smile, "I love sour worms. I think they might be my favorite, too. Thank you so much for everything; it really means a lot."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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