Ice cream

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((Sorry it's been forever since I past updated this buttt here it is!
I'm not ring a selfish butt but mah LAZYNESS got the better of me))

Emil flopped down on his couch an sighed heavily he was in a particularly bad mood

His big br- family member Lukas grounded him from leaving the house and then left himself to go meet up with his stupid magic friends

Emil picked up the remote and turned the TV on, for once everyone was gone so it wasn't that bad being under this grounding

Especially since Peter wasn't hogging the TV, aand because know one meaning Lukas could stop Emil from having Leon come over

Leon was Emil's secret boyfriend, they had to keep their relationship a complete low for obvious reasons

Emil took his phone out of his pocket and dialed Leon's number, after two rings he picked up

"Yes Emil?"

"How'd you know it was me? And what happened to a hello? "

He heard a laugh from the other end
"Okay I'm sorry, hello Emil "

"Hi Leon, that's better okay do you wanna come over? Lukas is at his club so he won't be home for a while"

"Sure let me ask teacher first"
Emil nodded even though he couldn't see it "okay"

He heard Leon call for "teacher" who was just Yao and then he heard them talking and a sigh from the other

"Hey he said I can, I'll be over soon" Emil smiled "okay " and then they hung up

It was about fifteen minutes till Leon showed up and there was a knock at the door

Emil got up and walked to the door quickly an let him in "hey" Leon waved and Emil ushered him in

"So what's up" Leon put his hands in his jacket pockets and sat on the couch casually

Emil sat beside him and sighed in boredum "Completely nothing that's why I asked if you wanted to come over "
Leon nodded "okay so what do you want to do? "
He shrugged and looked around "wanna watch a movie or something, we can watch pacific rim or some shit"
Leon shrugged before responding "that's okay I guess I heard Alfred talking about how awesome it was "

Emil hummed a response and got up looking for the DVD
Leon unzipped his jacket and sat a tub of ice cream on the coffee table

Emil heard the ice creams small thud on the table and looked over at Leon "where in the hell did you get that? And how did I not see it?"

Leon did the spongebob imagination hand thing "magic " he laughed lightly and got up "I thought you'd like some since your you"

Emil scoffed "pssshh I do not like Ice cream, I thought you knew me better "
Leon went into the kitchen and got a spoon from the drawer and came back into the living room

"I do that's why it's black licorice dummy" he put the spoon on the ice cream lid and sat back down

Emil stared at him and started smiling and sighed trying to hide it "damn it I love you..."

Leon raised an eye brow and tilted his head smirking "you make it sound like a bad thing "

Emil rolled his eyes and put the DVD in and started it before siting back down "it's not, I like loving you"

Leon leaned over to him and wrapped an arm around him and kissed his cheek "cause that makes total sense "

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