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Apples, a teachers favourite fruit. Apples are one of the biggest highschool stereotypes ever.
Every teacher should at least be given one apple in their life, whether it's the student trying to butter them up or for silly privileges. Though for a teacher who's an asshole..it's pretty rare.

As the minute hand on the clock moves and the shoes of a student taps inpatiently the sound of Vincent's monotone voice explaining the questions on the next test travel around the room. The quietness of the room puts everyone in a awkward position, until the moment that everyone has been waiting for reaches. The shoe tapping, pen clicking, chair squeaking..it's like the perfect situation to piss Vincent off. The light of everyone's day — Mr. Rosenbauer snapping. "Are you fucking serious." This is about the time he starts ranting, 5 minutes before the end of the day. The attention goes to the minute hand on the clock in the corner of the room.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick...Tick.

As soon as the bell rings sounds of books rustling fills the room as Vincent gets cut off by the loud ring. He sighs as he sets his chalk down, students leave the room in a hurry to get to their lockers. He takes a seat in his chair staring at the apple he was given by a student in one of his morning classes. He scoffs, wondering what nice deeds he had done to deserve a fruit of such symbolization. Even he, Vincent Rosenbauer, could admit that he wasn't really the nicest teacher around.

He spends another minute staring at the fruit before flinching at the sound of someone entering the classroom. "You really like that apple, huh?" Vincent's eyes narrow as he notices Viktor lean against the door. "It's you." "You miss me?" Viktor let's out a small chuckle as Vincent sends a glare at him due to his remark. He stops leaning against the door frame and fully walks into the room, picking up the apple from his desk. "Teachers pet?" "It better fucking not be." He raises an eyebrow before taking a bite out of the apple, making an exaggerated "mmm" sound which causes Vincent to look up at him with disgust. "You're disgusting." "Yet you still love me." He groans before beginning to gather his things to leave.

"You're leaving? There's a teachers meeting in like 15 minutes." He pauses. "There is?..no one told me-" "That was a lie." He smiles. "I just wanna spend more time with you." He tries to ignore him, walking outside of the classroom when he finishes packing up his belongings. "Come on..I was joking!" He throws the core of the apple away as soon as he finishes eating it and follows him out, once he reaches him he ends up walking alongside him. They both walk towards the exit in silence, it was almost painful to bear the sounds of their footsteps without either of them talking. "Are you busy..?" "Yes." "Oh, I was gonna ask you out to a drink." "..." "I better not show up to work hungover tomorrow." Vincent walks ahead of him to avoid seeing Viktor's reaction. Viktor turns his head to face him in surprise before turning his head back towards the exit. A small smile creeps onto his face, which grows into a wide grin as he catches up with Vincent, walking more confidently.

Then they fuck lolz

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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