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DAYS had passed as Lorena and Klaus were now in Colorado. Still looking for werewolves.
Klaus had found a lead so the two were currently in a hotel room.
Lorena called for her husband for what felt like the hundredth time. "Nik!"
"Yes my love?" She waited as Nik sped into the room a smirk on his lips.
"I've been calling for you for the past ten minutes."
"I'm sorry love, had to step out, but I have another lead, more werewolves. Meaning more hybrids." Klaus had a sadistic smile on his face excited to get the chance to make more hybrids. More successfully this time.
Lorena gave him a fake smile. "Hm. Good for you. Anyways, I was talking to Rebekah earlier but she seemed really distant and upset. I don't think it was a good idea to leave her alone in Mystic Falls."
Klaus pulled Lorena into his chest. "We shall be returning in a few weeks, maybe days. There's still some things I need to get done. When Rebekah is in immediate danger then we shall be on our merry way."
"I don't know Nik, she seemed different. Like she knew something I don't know how to explain it." Lorena said as she recalled her earlier conversation with her sister. She had tried to ask her what was wrong but she had ended the call so abruptly.
"Love you know she's always a bit dramatic, who knows maybe she didn't make the cheerleading team." Lorena rolled her eyes as she chuckled lightly slapping his chest.
"Nik, stop being so rude. You act as if you aren't dramatic as well."
"At least I look good doing it." Klaus said as he leaned into her. "You're quite right about that." Lorena said leaning up to place her lips onto his.
Before the kiss got heated Lorena pulled away. "Let's go get your hybrids ready before we have any fun."
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