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Sometimes we think that we want to disappear somewhere but in reality, all we really want is to be found by someone.

Author's POV

In a corner of the exquisite hall of the magnificent palace where his marriage had taken place, Arjun stood. Every guest was in attendance; the men engaged in conversation about trade, politics, and other topics while the women, dressed in glitzy gowns, laughed and gabbed.

Arjun felt lost inside this place. His eyes felt heavy and exhausted and a pounding headache quickly followed suit. He pressed a hand to his damp forehead. It felt as though a block of ice was pressing against the inside of his forehead.

His eyes couldn't take all the shimmer, there was too much joy to digest for one day

He turned his head to look out the glass window, which offered a stunning view of the outdoors and the surrounding countryside. The trees, the chirping sound of birds as it was early in the morning cause farewell (vidai) of bride take place in the morning as an India wedding takes an entire night to get done because of the different and many kinds of rituals and customs.

Sometimes he could be misunderstood as a stone statue by some outsider. The only time anyone could distinguish him from a stone statue was when he blinked. His face always looked like a blank piece of paper.

His evenings are lost, he himself don't know where he was. He passed his hardest days alone when everyone believed he was fine and if someone could read his mind, his miseries they'd be in the ocean of tears.

He is strong, but exhausted.

A recalcitrant tear threatened to fall from his eye today on her name, but he refrained as usual.

He has kept collected, all her memories the moment since she took her last breath. His nights haven't sleep, if she's not here, there is nothing for him.

He doesn't understand what sort of state he's in, why is there this sort of emptiness in his heart, why his heart constantly sense that something's missing. Why

All he wants is to vanish into thin air, far from everyone, this life, and this pain, but he is powerless over life; he is merely a soul bereft of hope.

His emotionless eyes looking out of the window perhaps were searching for an emotion as silence became his favourite way to speak.

Upon witnessing his father and his spouse making their way towards him, he let out a sigh. He refrained from rolling his eyes upon noticing a sinister grin on her lips, sensing a phony maternal drama approaching. The last thing he needed was another one of their unwelcome lectures.

But he was Arjun and Arjun Singhania never gives a damn.

You appear a little dejected. Anamika taunted him while Abhimaan stood next to her. On any other occasion she would love to enjoy a bit of drama between her husband and his son but she certainly didn't want to create a scene today, in front of a hundred guests.

"Not really, I'm just trying to ignore both of you". Arjun replied in a straightforward manner.

Obedient was the one word that everyone used to describe little Arjun in his childhood days, he was a naughty one but an obedient child who never learned to say "no" to his father but someone says everything changes with time.

"We have guests present for your wedding while you're here standing alone in a corner ignoring everyone. We respect and embrace our guests, or have you forgotten that too?" Abhimaan enquired.

Though, it was true as Indians believe in the mantra which is "Athithi Devo bhav". Guests are equal to God and we embrace them with open arms. India is manifested with a strong value system.

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