Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen


"That is absolutely disgusting," Vega growled.

Granger didn't reply, but in his head he agreed. They had nearly caught up with their quarry at last. Porter, the sphinx, and all the others were on the very next hilltop, less than a quarter mile away from them. Both the Slayers had stopped to assess the situation, spying on them from afar with binoculars. There were six monsters, in addition to Porter and Ozzie, just as Granger had deducted.

And Porter was kissing the sphinx.

Disappointment rippled through the old man's body. After all Porter had been through, all Granger had taught him, it astounded him that the boy could still stoop this low.

That creature may have a human face, he found himself thinking, but the rest of it is an animal. How could he possibly...

He stopped himself, the thought too unclean to even pass through his mind.

"Well, looks like Mortoph's star student just flunked out of class," Vega mused, standing up again. Granger turned and gave the other Slayer a scowl. "Don't give me that look, old man. You saw it just like I did. You know what we have to do."

"Not necessarily," Granger argued, though he didn't really believe his own words. "Porter can still be redeemed. We don't have to kill him."

Vega pulled out one of his javelins, but this time he didn't spin it nonchalantly between his fingers— he gripped it so tightly that his knuckles turned white, signifying how eager he was to use it.

"How in the world did you get to be the third-in-command?" he asked, not bothering to mask his distaste. "You're old, you're weak, and you're afraid to take a life."

Granger opened his mouth to defend himself, but Vega cut him off.

"If you haven't figured it out after all these years, a Slayer's job is to kill things. That's what the word 'slay' means. If a Slayer can't kill his target, he's useless."

Even with how much he disliked Vega, Granger couldn't deny the truth in his words. Besides, Mortoph had made it clear he wanted Porter dead. What right did he have to argue?

Remain loyal, he thought, steeling himself for what he knew would be coming next.

"Very well," he said with a sigh, drawing his katana. "Let's get this over with."

Vega's face turned upwards in a sadistic smile. "With pleasure!" he agreed, and turned to face their prey again. Porter had, thankfully, stopped kissing the sphinx, but the two of them were still walking side by side. Within moments, they would be over the hill and out of sight again, possibly throwing Granger off the trail.

Luckily, he and Vega were both skilled magic users. Both of them extended their right hands and threw out an invisible tethering spell. The magic flew across the gap between the hills and struck trees on the other side. Granger tugged on his tether, and since the tree was firmly rooted in place, he was sent flying through the air, the magic pulling him to the other hill. Vega was right beside him, his long black coat billowing in the wind behind him. They streaked across the shallow valley, the ground a blur beneath them, until they reached the second hill. Granger released his connection to the tree before he flew into it, hitting the ground and rolling to a stop right in the midst of the group of travelers.

"What the—" Porter exclaimed in shock, spinning around to face the old man.

"Slayers!" the djinn shouted in alarm, rushing forward to intercept Vega, both of his scimitars in hand.

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