Chapter 2 - Game On

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Two Months Earlier - July

"You did not," my brother Jason said with a laugh. "What did you think would happen? That she'd bring you backstage and give you head before her show?"

"No. Well...maybe." I smiled. "Talk about a throat warm-up."

Jason shook his head and pulled on his earphones. "I can't wait to bring this up on the podcast."

"We're not talking about this on the podcast, man."

"Then you shouldn't have mentioned it right before we start recording."

"You know I don't like to talk about my personal life on the show."

"Mhm." He swiveled in his chair to face one of the screens. "Time to go live."

"Don't bring it up, Jason. I swear to God. I will kick your ass."

"And we're live!" He hit a button on the computer to start recording.

I glared at him, but then shook my head. We recorded video for our podcast too. And it wasn't the best to start off with a scowl. I cleared my throat and

looked down at our notes for the show. It took Jason all of two seconds to go off script.

"Before we started recording, travis was telling me about his experience at the Taylor Swift concert the other night. Care to tell us more, travis?"

What the fuck? "She was performing in our stadium. So I just went to check it out." I shrugged like it was no big deal. Like I hadn't been excited about it as soon as I found out she was coming to Labyrinth Stadium. "It was a great concert." What exactly was he expecting me to say? I wasn't about to tell the whole world that I'd had a crush on Taylor for years.

"It probably would have been better if Taylor let you come backstage though. I heard you brought her a signed jersey with a little note written on it. But when you tried to get backstage, her security team stopped you. They said something about her wanting to hang out with literally any football player but you."

I laughed. I couldn't help it. I'd murder Jason later. This shit was actually funny. And we could always edit this out before we posted it later. "It was actually my phone number, but yeah. She was too busy to see me."

"Busy? Or she just didn't want to?"

I laughed again. "I doubt the security team even checked with her. We both know that she would have let me backstage if she knew I was there."

"Would she have though?"

"Of course." I wasn't positive about that. She had technically turned me down. But it was a lot easier to think that it was her people that sent me away

instead of her. "She can't hang out with people before the show. She has to rest her throat or something."

"Well, she could have hung out with you after," Jason said.
Touché. "Are we going to talk about football or not?"
"Yes, but one more thing. I bet it's the beard, man."
"What?" I scratched the side of my beard. What was wrong with my beard? "I heard Taylor Swift only likes mustaches."

I laughed. "I definitely have never heard that."

"Ask anyone. Shave it all but the stache and she'll let you backstage next time. I guarantee it."

I shook my head. "You're just jealous because your beard is patchy as hell."

"Excuse you?" He touched both sides of his face in horror. "Don't make fun of the look you so clearly copied."

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