Chapter 10 - Soaking Wet

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Zayden had just walked by without his towel. And I knew damn well that he wasn't bigger than me. Taylor knew it too. She was just fucking with me. I loved that she was exactly the same in person as she was via text. A little shy. A lot bold. And such a fucking tease. "So you like watching my friends?" I asked.

She didn't respond.
So I spanked her again. "Don't make me repeat myself, princess." "Yes," she said. Her voice was airy.

I didn't know whether I liked her response or not. But I was so fucking turned on that I didn't even care. I was lost in the moment. Lost in her. "Do you wish they could see you? Do you wish they were cheering your name?"

"Yes," she moaned.

Now she was really asking for it. My girl liked it rough. Hell, she'd already thrown a penalty flag for roughing the princess. But she hadn't seen rough yet. So I spanked her even harder.

And she just pressed her ass against me, grinding against my length.

My perfect little slut.

I spanked her again and stared at her reflection in the glass. Every time I spanked her, her tits bounced. And she was biting her lip, staring back at me. She was barely paying attention to the people walking down the hall. She was staring back at me. Desperate for my touch. Desperate for whatever I was about to do to her next.

And I never wanted her to know what was coming next. So instead of spanking her again, I slid one finger along her wetness, teasing her.

And all she did was moan in response.

I massaged her sore ass cheek with one hand, as I slipped two fingers inside of her. She really was a dirty girl. "Baby, you're soaking wet." Almost dripping down my wrist.

She tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder. "Maybe because my football superstar is all talk and no..."

I pulled my fingers out and ripped her thong in half, the material snapping against her hips. The fabric fell to the floor in shreds and I spanked her again. And this time I got to see her mouth turn into the perfect "o" shape.

"Unlike you, I'm not a tease, Taylor . But naughty girls need to be taught a lesson."

She arched her back again, waiting for me. Proving that she was the tease I loved her being. "I still think maybe that guy is bigger."

I shook my head. "You better stop checking out my friends or I'm going to be so rough with you that you'll need one of those helmets."

She turned to see the display of helmets on the wall next to us. "One of these?" She picked one up and pulled it on.

This was never one of my fantasies. But hell, it was now. I'd never seen her look sexier. Her blonde hair cascading out the bottom of her helmet. The only thing remaining on her was her garter belt, her thigh high boots, the whistle around her neck, and my handprint on her ass. I was really fucking fond of that handprint.

She turned and looked back out the window at my teammates walking by. Practically begging me to be rougher. I hadn't expected her to love being spanked so much. But it was a good thing she did. Because she'd rolled her eyes at me too many times to count. And she deserved to be punished for every single time.

So I'd give her exactly what she liked. "Spread your legs, princess."

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