Oh, Harmonia...

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Soul walked up into the attic, where he had set up his altar.

It wasn't very impressive, nor was it pleasant to look at, a mere table, with a long red table cloth, with candles dimly lighted, shining light upon a small cracked mirror in the centre of the table, looking much like a picture frame. 

The person he used to be.

The person he wasn't anymore.

Soul sighed, looking at his feeble altar, accidentally blowing out a candle, and he fumbled to fix his mistake, burning his finger in the process.

He cursed under his breath, lighting up the candle again. He then took his trident, strapped to his back, and placed it next to the altar. He then searched inside the drawers alongside the altar, finding his old notebook, that wasn't really his own, filled with half finished songs and haikus for a person of the past. He placed it next to the mirror, looking in his cracked reflection. He stifled tears, looking away, as he began to speak in a choked voice.

"Dear Harmonia," He began, breathing heavy. "If you can hear me, I urge you to help."

He stopped for a moment, wondering where to begin.

"I don't think I can do this. I don't think I can handle being the host and holding the world on my shoulders. Apollo and Artemis won't listen, no matter what I say, and I fear I've ruined you. I fear I failed you, as your Soul."

Soul's hands shook as he spoke, trying not to cry. He always felt vulnerable when talking to Harmonia, and for good reason. He turned around to the attic door, double checking nobody was eavesdropping.

 "I did a grave mistake today. A horrible, horrible mistake. I thought- I thought if I threatened them it would make them listen but it didn't and I got caught up in my anger and.." He trailed off, before speaking again, not even able to look up at the altar. To look up at his ruined, broken reflection, a reminder.

"You see, Juno shot... he shot... he shot Apollo. But he missed, and Apollo's okay... but I can't say the same about Juno..." He spouted out, looking genuinely scared at Harmonia's reaction, even though Harmonia had never responded or done anything to prove to him that he was there. He still believed though. His faith would never cease.

"I got angry, because if he shot him, we could never be whole again- and- and I got angry... and I let it take over me. Heart ran off right after he realised what he did, into the woods. We chased him and his wing got stuck in a tree, so he was helpless when we arrived. Mind spotted a hole and Heart revealed that he dug that hole for- for Mind- so I... I..." Soul hesitated, finally having the confidence to look at his reflection, before averting his eyes, as it pained him to look.

"I gouged his eyes out and threw him in the hole." Soul blurted out, hands shaking.

"And I'm sorry, Harmonia, I'm so, so, sorry... I didn't mean- I mean- I was angry... and now I can't undo what I've done.. and now I'm scared we'll never be whole again!" Soul finally burst into tears, trying to stop his tears from falling but failing. His emotions were all over the place, and he wasn't sure that it was Heart's doing or his own guilt overwhelming him. He tried regaining his composure, standing up straight, fidgeting.

"I don't know what to do. I don't know how to save Whole- to save you, Harmonia. Juno won't talk to me and I don't know what Mind thinks of me. I let my anger take over me, and this is the result. I don't want you to die, I don't want to die. I'm so scared of dying, I'm so scared you hate me, I'm so worried that we won't be together again, that our rhymes won't harmonise, that we won't merge in your glory. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so, sorry..." Soul's tears wouldn't stop falling now, as his hands trembled as the realisation really hit. His knees buckled and he grabbed the altar for support, ugly crying.

"I don't know what to do... I don't know what to do... I'm so sorry... I'm a disgrace, you should hate me..."

The things on the table wobbled and suddenly tumbled down on Soul.  As Soul tried to protect himself, the candles put the tablecloth and notebook on fire. Soul, out of instinct, stepped back, and threw the only liquid he had, a half-drank can of Monster Energy, trying to douse the flames. Thankfully it worked, and now, all you could hear was Soul's heavy breathing, as he stared down at the charred and wet notebook, his eyes widening as he flicked through the pages, praying they weren't damaged badly enough.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!" He muttered, on the verge of tears. Every page was dripping wet and the ink was already beginning to smudge. The edges were charred and black. Soul's hands shook even more as he tried withholding sobs. What had he done..? His last chance at trying to appease Harmonia, and he managed to ruin his altar and permanently damage his notebook? With all his precious songs? How horrible of a Soul he was, how ridiculous, a disgrace, as he put it himself.

He let out a shaky breath and laid on the floor, holding his notebook so tight, praying this was a dream, to just wake up now, in his real room, with his real name, with his real, normal, and singular personalities. But no. None such thing happened, and he stayed on the burnt attic floor, too tired and drained to cry anymore. He turned his face and all he could see was the mirror, completely shattered now, facing him directly. But this time, he didn't turn away from it, no matter how much he wanted to, though it pained him to stare into his own eyes. Through this mirror he realised something, staring at it's broken fragments.

He was more broken than he was before.

1015 words

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