mechanical handas

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(i didn't know how to end this chapter + did not proof read btw)

"You good?"

Soul flashed a smile at Mind, who was staring at her food, a disgruntled frustrated expression clear on her face. The Sun's hands were twitching, newly implemented robotic ones reaching up to his forearm. It seemed Mind hadn't quite gotten used to them yet.

Mind tried to grab the fork for the third time, silently suffering as it slipped from her fingers once more. She then unintentionally slammed her fist down to the table and the pasta she was trying to eat flew out of the bowl to the floor. Mind stared at the pasta in silence. Soul muffled his laughter, standing up.

"You need help?" He asks him, withholding his smile.

Mind responded quickly, with a resounding "No," his eyes still intently staring at the pasta before slowly raising his head to look at Soul.

"I am not a toddler." he further explained, before standing up. 

"Suit yourself." Soul sat back down and watched as he walked to get a dustpan to clean his mess up. Atlas could tell how Apollo still wasn't used to the heavier weights of his arms, his frame hunching forward as his hands swinged. He came back 5 minutes later with the dustpan, after multiple choice words came from his mouth due to the fact he couldn't grasp the dustpan properly, holding it like how some waiters would hold platters of food. Soul continued to observe.

Apollo attempted to clean the mess up, but again, her grip was almost non-existent on the small broom in her hands, and she could barely push her pasta into the dustpan. This was all while she tried not to stain her hands, knowing how much an orange stain would irk her, and the fact she wouldn't be able to wash it properly without assistance.

Atlas watched his struggle with an amused smile on his face for maybe 20 minutes, Apollo getting so frustrated with himself that he soon stood up and stormed out of the room without another word, muttering profanities under his breath. Comedically, his bedroom door was a pull door, so Atlas got to watch Apollo, clearly angered already, have his hands slip off the door knob in an effort to pull on it.

Mind then walked into the living room and crashed into the couch to sulk, something he did quite often now. Heart flinched, sitting on the same couch, but Mind played him no heed. When Heart realised who it was a grin spread across his face, but he stayed silent, which of course, triggered Mind.

"What are you smirking about, you muppet." He muttered, face buried into a pillow. His voice sounded tired and dejected.

"I heard you try and unlock your door. Can you really not control your hands at all?" Heart answered, his grin only growing.

"Of course I can." Mind grumbled, turning his face to Heart's stupid big grin.

"Prove it."

"How so?"

"Open your bedroom door."

Mind paused, clearly thinking, before responding.

"I'm too tired to."

"Lazy twat."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

Mind was overall too upset with herself to continue arguing and just stayed silent. Heart chuckled, thinking he'd won, and continued to try to exercise his braille reading abilities.

"By the way, where's Darrell?" Heart soon asked Mind. Mind gained an idea.

"In my room, I think." He responded, continuing to sound bitter.

"Oh, OK, thanks." Heart stood up, opening Mind's door for him. Mind slipped in his room after Heart.

"Where..?" Heart asked himself before the fact he had been tricked struck him. Mind was now the one to have a smug grin on his face.

"Y'know you could have just asked." He grumbled, leaving the room to consult Soul about the whereabouts of his chicken.

Mind snickered and shut her door, before resting on her bed, flexing her fingers and trying to grip basic things like pencils, and even trying to twirl them around her digits like how she used to, doing so after 30 minutes successfully. It actually made her feel very accomplished, despite it being such a small task done in such a long time period, and her mood was finally lifted, despite not having ate anything.

685 words.

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