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AS I WALKED CONFIDENTIALITY INTO THE PARTY, my gaze swept across the room, eagerly searching for my three closest friends. In no time, my eyes landed on Vienna, one of my closest friends. Without hesitation, I made my way towards her, only to come to a sudden halt when I noticed a tall, tanned man with a buzz cut engaging her in conversation.

Who is this?

I held back, watching them talk until it seemed like they had nothing left to say to each other. Then, I slowly moved toward her wrapped my arms around her, and hugged her swiftly.

"Av!" Vienna exclaimed loudly, seeming to be already tipsy. "You have to meet my friend, Drew!" she finished as she looked at the both of us, waiting for us to introduce ourselves before she could make her exit.

"Oh, hi! I'm Aven!" I smiled softly as I looked up at the stranger, who was now known as Drew. As I lifted my gaze, my eyes met with that of a stranger who was standing in front of me. As I took a closer look at him, I couldn't help but feel like I had seen him before. Puzzled, I furrowed my eyebrows and continued, "You look so familiar."

"Hi! Yeah, I'm in a-" He began, but swiftly ended his sentence as another one of my friends came up to me, calling my name.

"Aven, holy shit!" She yelled to me, using her hands to speak looking very frantic. I gave drew an apologetic look and mouthed sorry before turning my body towards River. "Jack is here with the girl he cheated on you with." She blurted out.

As I stood there, my eyes grew wider and I began scanning the room frantically. It didn't take long for them to settle on Jack, who was standing across the room. He was accompanied by a girl with long, blonde hair that flowed down her back in loose waves, tied half up with a delicate white ribbon. Her light makeup accentuated her natural beauty and she was dressed in a casual yet cute outfit consisting of a pair of jeans and a crop top. She was pretty. They looked happy.

I muttered under my breath, "Well, good for him," observing their departure from the room and their subsequent entrance into a different room. "To be honest, I couldn't care less about his actions anymore. He's moved on, and so should I," I added, my voice tinged with a hint of irritation at River's unnecessary need to update me on Jack's whereabouts. "I just don't want to think about him anymore."

Rivers seemed taken aback by my sudden confession. "Hey, let's grab a drink!" she said, taking my arm and leading me to the kitchen. When I glanced back, Drew had already left, and I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed that we couldn't chat some more.

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