"Wtf wrong with you" I ask Xiya as she eyed me and JB for a moment then shook her head.
"Tahj and sum other nigga getting into it right now and I can't find Taylor" she says.
"Where is the rest of everybody?" I asked worried as hell.
"I don't know" Xiya says worried.
"Oh shit..." JB says as Tahj body slams a nigga on the ground and starts punching him.
I could see from where I was at , that that was the nigga who first walked up to Taylor in the club when we first got here.
Before I could even turn my head good JB had already jumped in the fight as well as Jamerson.
wtf is going on.
I went over to the fight where a big crowd had formed.
"Bitch ass nigga..." Tahj says as every punch he threw connected.
The police shortly arrived outside the club, as me and Xiya walked outside we also seen Ahmad, Cortrell, and Markazha comforting Taylor.
"I just don't need my nigga finding out..." Taylor said as she was shaking and on the verge of crying.
"It deadass wasn't your fault though so he can't even be mad" Ahmad said.
Me and Xiya walked up to them as Taylor kept trying to hold her tears in.
"wtf happened" I asked and Ahmad was finna explain but Taylor shook her head.
"It's bad enough y'all already know...I don't want my business out there" she says and then one of the cops came to talk to her privately.
"Well excuse the fuck out of us then" Xiya says.
"Just let her be man..." Cortrell says.
About 5 minutes later Tahj, JB, and Jamerson were being put in police cars.
"Aye the fuck y'all doing??" Markazha says as she was about to confront the cops but I pulled her back.
"Don't even worry bout it y'all we good..." Tahj says.
"Y'all kno where the bail money at if we need it" Jamerson says right before they closed the door.
I seen JB being put in the back of the other police car so I said fuck it and ran over there.
Before I could get to him they had already pushed him in and shut the door.
"At this point fuck it" I say to myself walking back over to where I was.
"Bruh where the fuck is Taylor" I ask fed tf up.
"She left with one of the police officers...we finna go down to the station now" Xiya says as I followed behind her and the rest of the group.
As we walked to where we were all parked at some girl slung Cortrell around to face her. She looked mad as hell.
"The fuck-" he mouthed before she slapped him.
"Dog ass nigga why tf you was with that bitch last night ?" she says as he mugged tf out of her.
"wtf are you talking bout" he says.
I could tell he wanted to smack the shit outta her for that.
"wtf are you talking bout" he says and she was finna hit him again but Markazha stopped her.
"Aye bitch idk why tf you keep raising that hand to hit sum shii...now if I let him hit you yo ass gone be ready to scream woman beater" she says and the girl rolled her eyes and still faced Cortrell.
"You was with that bitch Zhariah..." she says as she was getting ready to hit him again but he stopped her.
"You gone stop putting yo hands on me , and so what if I was with her or not we not together so it don't matter" he says and she mugged the fuck outta him.
"Igh...don't even fucking worry bout it you won't get this shii nomo..." she says bending down in front of him putting her hand up her dress and he kicked her out the way.
"Bruh get yo nasty ass on bruh" he says as we walked past her laughing.
"You needa be like me and control them females fr" Ahmad says and Cortrell shook his head.
"Ion needa be like shit" he says as we made it where our cars were parked.
"Who was that bitch anyway..."Markazha asks.
"Jordyn horny, delusional ass" Cortrell says before unlocking his car and getting in.
Since we drove 4 cars here, Ahmad drove in his, Cortrell drove his, Markazha drove mines, and Xiya drove Tahj's car because Jamerson had rode with him here.
Omniscient Pov...
"I'm sorry but they can't be released tonight" the officer told them once they arrived at the station.
"Bullshit" Cortrell said and placed the bail money on the counter.
"That's the exact amount too...let em out" Xiya said which made the officer behind the window roll his eyes while grabbing the money.
"Thought so" Markazha says mugging the officer.
He calculated the money and slipped it in an envelope and placed it inside a drawer.
"Wait here please" he said as he walked out the little cubicle and entered to what seemed to be where the cells were.
After about 30 minutes he came walking back out with Tahj and Jamerson.
"Man y'all got some explaining to do fr" Ahmad says as he dapped them up.
"I don't even wanna talk about it right now" Tahj says as everyone followed them outside except Kyra.
"Y'all took someone else in with them right?" Kyra asks the officer and he nodded entering behind the cubicle where he originally was.
"Looked like he was dark skin about 6'3?" he asks and Kyra nodded.
"Yea he still back there...nobody came for him." he said and Kyra placed a rolled up thing of cash.
"This should cover his bail...don't give a name on who paid it though..." Kyra said and walked out.
"Girl where tf was you..."Markazha says and Kyra shrugged her off.
"Don't matter...where is Taylor I thought she was gone be at the station" Kyra says and Jamerson and Tahj shrugged.
"She was at the station for a little bit when we got there but I don't know where she could be now" Jamerson says and everyone was starting to worry.
As they pulled off still in separate cars they met up at Kyra and Taylor's apartment hoping that she would be there.
"I hope y'all not parking in nobody parking space..." Xiya says walking past Tahj's parked car which made Tahj mug her.
"I don't give a fuck Imma park this bitch" he says while cutting the car off and getting out.
When they walked up the steps to the apartment they could hear yelling and banging sounds coming from inside.
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