Chapter 28

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Makay Pov

As I've said before, Aeason of Aelasar is something to behold. He's magnificent. But even he has his limits. This thing is tireless. The birdman is controlling him. I'm trying to come up with a plan because my father can't do this all day and anyone who tries to help will explode. This creature is built for torture. No matter what, he can go all day because he's not alive. So my father strategized. He started tearing off limbs. But he's taking a beating while tearing off those limbs. He's mostly fighting now. He's not using his powers. He's strong enough to rip this thing apart. He ripped the second arm off, but he paid dearly for it. He received a kick square to the chest. My father rolled several feet away and gasped. He grabbed his chest and gasped again. Tears came to my eyes. He was slow to get up. The creature bounded to him and kicked him again. He doesn't have arms so all he has is his legs. My father grabbed the creature's leg and cracked it, but it wasn't enough. He brought his feet down on my father's chest multiple times. Rendering him breathless. The creature's feet stomp down on my father's legs, breaking it, crushing it. My father gasped out in pain. Tears raced down my face.

"Aeason," my mother screamed. I can see it in her eyes. She's about to react. As am I.

He picked his leg up and brought it down on my father's skull. He was slung back before it could connect. My father's eyes closed. His chest wasn't moving. It looked caved in.

I looked around to see who interfered before I could. My eyes landed on granny. She has tears in her eyes, but not for herself. She looked sad and guilty. She spoke softly but I heard her.

"You got this, my sweet girl. Remember to be you, not me."

I screamed and jumped seconds later when she exploded. Her blood and guts went everywhere. It all happened so fast. My grandfather roared out. He flew into the air and zapped the leader with a white light. But one of the birdman's creatures moved to intercede and took the brunt of the attack. Seconds later my grandfather dropped dead. Only thing left of him was a pool of blood.

Then chaos ensued and the way the Raptillion smiled led me to believe he wanted this. Citizens started to attack but blew up right after. Fuck this. I slung him so far back that he hit his spaceship. I was still on top of the balcony. I yelled out to the citizens to run. But I wasn't surprised when they didn't. They were angry and wanted a fucking fight. Let's give them one. "Wally, Kimble. Protect my father," I yelled. They stood over his still body. I can't think about that right now. I'm very emotional as it is. My grandfather and grandmother are gone. He fucking killed them! Hurt and despair was quick to settle in my chest. Whenever the leader tried to concentrate on someone's head, I would fling him away. He doesn't see me, so he can't attack me. Shane, Ashford and many others were quick to take action. Shane chopped the creature's heads off before they could grab him. Ashford was blowing all their legs from under them.

The large champion creature was back up and kicking and stepping on everyone. When he went for my father again. I slung him away.

Suddenly the air got hot and stifling. It tingled. I felt a presence. I heard the earth rumble from far away. I've felt this presence before, but not like this. Things were moving and bouncing out of its way. I even heard a tree split.

"What the devil."

A bright presence entered the gate. The presence of power was so immense that everyone stopped when they felt it. We couldn't see it, because it's not a person. It looks like a comet. A shooting comet, a fucking ball of sun. A large supernova ball that's flying at an unrated speed. I could barely look at it, it's so bright and hot. It bound straight for the large creature that's impossible to kill. The bright supernova entered the rock creature. The creature exploded into pieces. The bright light is closer, it's hotter, like the sun. A burst of light shot over the courtyard, blinding us. We had to turn away from the hot burst of wind that ensued afterwards.

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