Friday December 22, 17:19

754 11 1

Tonight is the night of the Warmste Party, the school's festive charity event. Anaïs, currently with mixed feelings of excitement and butterflies, is about to perform for the first time in front of her schoolmates.

As Anaïs nervously tunes her ukulele, she hears the doorbell ring. She stops tuning and listens intently as her father opens the door and greets Bobbie. "Hi Bobbie, what brings you here?" he asks, clearly surprised. Bobbie smiles warmly and replies, "Hi Samuel, I came by to check in on Anaïs. She's performing at the party tonight, so I thought I'd stop by and support her. I can imagine how nervous she must be." Samuel nods in agreement, and remembers Anaïs saying something about the upcoming performance. "Yes, she did mention that. She has been practicing tirelessly upstairs to perfect her performance" he remarks. "It's nice of you to come and check in on her," Samuel expresses warmly with a grateful smile across his face. "I'm sure she'll be glad to see you. Well, you know the house, so please feel free to come in" he continues, gesturing Bobbie to enter.

When Anaïs hears Bobbie climbing the stairs, she realizes that it is almost time. She feels a knot of nervous energy in her stomach. A gentle knock on the door interrupts Anaïs' thoughts. Bobbie walks into the room with a loving smile, heading straight for her girlfriend. "Hey stresskip" she says softly. She embraces Anaïs warmly and presses a reassuring kiss to her forehead.

"So, you're feeling the pre-performance jitters?" Bobbie asks. Anaïs nods with her eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and anxiety. "Yeah, I've just never performed in front of this many people before. What if I mess up?" Bobbie tilts Anaïs' chin up, and looks her in the eye. "You won't mess it up, you're going to be amazing. You have so much talent! And besides, you have me cheering you on from the sidelines" Bobbie smiles.

"Can I listen to you practicing?" asks Bobbie, her voice full of anticipation. Anaïs, with pounding heart, nods in response. Deep down, she wants Bobbie to hear the song before the performance. It is, in fact, a song she had written just last week, during the period of their temporary separation. Anaïs takes a deep breath, her fingers trembling slightly as she begins to strum the chords on her ukulele.

"In the quiet night, I hear the whispers of your name.

Now it's an echo, a shadow that remains.

We held on tight, but somehow we lost our ways.

Now I'm left here, drowning in memories of yesterday.

Of yesterday.

Of yesterday..."

The room fills with the melody of 'Falling'. Anaïs pours her heart and soul into the song, her voice rising and falling with a mix of vulnerability and strength. When the final chord is played, a silence falls.

With tears in her eyes, Bobbie breaks the silence. "You wrote a song about us?" she whispers, her voice filled with a mixture of surprise and sympathy. Anaïs looks at her, her eyes shining with sincerity, and nods once again. "Yes," she says softly, her voice quivering with raw emotion. "I had to express my feelings somewhere, so I did it in the song." "Well, it's beautiful," Bobbie replies, "... just like you" she smirks. Anaïs giggles and in response, Bobbie lovingly leans over to give her a sweet kiss.

After that moment, an overwhelming feeling of love and understanding fills the room. Bobbie and Anaïs look at each other and both remember the struggle when they were separated. Without uttering a word, they exchange a glance, understanding that they both hope they never have to experience that heartbreaking feeling again.

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