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These cold iron bars are friendly, but the other side is warm and strange, for it's been a long time since I visited them. This cage is a nightmare to some, but to me, I can't complain much. I have water, a mirror, a crapper. I hear television and radio from a nearby guard office, what else could a man want? Luxury? Just greed and title taking over simplicity. But no, some men crack here.

Soli visits me occasionally and I welcome every visit. Without her I would drift off into madness, but the tv is nice too. I don't know, I think Soli might be jealous or angry because I change as frequently as the moon. I'm beginning to think that it's not that Soli occasionally visits me, but that I occasionally invite her. I hope I'm not coming off too crazy, but then again I'm saying this to myself.

I'm assuming that time has passed, all I see is night and day, sometimes rain. I'm a stranger to time, but time is not a stranger to me. This mirror clearly tells me that time has taken a toll on me and this beard... Well it's as dirty as it is fine. I don't shower much, I fear I'm too attractive. I drift off too much.

A guard came once. He opened my cell and said my time has been done. Early, on account of my good behavior, which is paraphrased for not talking or stirring up trouble. I'd say it's more of a social issue and a mental state than a behavioral exception.

I found myself in a court room, with the same clothes that I came in with when I was being convicted, but washed. I was free once again. Once I exited the court I had noticed something. I had no food, mirror, crapper, bed, water, tv, nor radio and only one set of clothes. I began to miss my home. Yes, home, where I'm very popular and welcomed back whenever. I analyzed my odds of survival and they were thin. Who would take me as an employee with my records and health status? I had grown apart from this idea of currency anyway, for I had not utilized it for a while. Currency got me nothing and I didn't get currency, so why try. Since everyone valued their coins so much I decided to take some, hopefully then they could send me back home.

So the cycle began anew. I'm back home. Everyone welcomed me back, for I'm a regular. I was known, I was loved, I was hated, I was unknown. My homes were many, all sublime and familiar. No one envies this part of me, except for myself. Freedom was overrated if all you did in here was all you were going to do out there. I go where I'm welcomed and I'm always welcomed here.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2013 ⏰

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