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Kazuhas Pov:


I woke up and stared at the ceiling for quite some time.


I should probably get up..

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the rather shiny sun which was brighter than normal...

After I got up and fully woke up my non stop working brain, I decided to get a cup of tea.

I walked out of my room and went into the kitchen where we all first sat when we met and talked about The Seven.

"I honestly think it's just a part of their plan Zhongli, maybe to get him to surrender or something?"

I could hear Ventis voice from the kitchen while he was talking with somebody on his phone.

Then I could hear muffled voices for a reply.

"No, no, no Nahida, don't get detailed in the death please its 7 in the fucking morning, plus, maybe they just want to do that for fun? You know her.."

Oh so now Nahida.

"I doubt that's the reason..perhaps it's because of..."
A faint voice of a lady came from the other side.

I couldn't quite catch the last word but all I knew it wasn't something pleasant as everybody stayed silent.


"We all know that's the real reason she wants to kill all of them, because nothing in this world hurts more than a broken heart, I trust we all know that?"
The lady continued.

"Ei, you can't talk.."
Venti said.

Ei!? So it was Raiden Ei who said it...

"You can't say anything because you have broken hearts yourself Ei."
Nahida said.

Oh she has? People other than me..?

"Kusanali, we do not talk about that.."

"Oh really!? So you like to ramble on about how your life's a mess with your dead sister while you made things worse for others!?"
Nahida said.


"Don't fight here please, these are personal topics but right now, we are here for the boys.."
Zhongli stated.

"He's right."
Venti agreed.

"Yes...let's just get this over with.."
Ei sighed.

"You're making it sound like it's a simple annoying quest you can wave around on our faces?! Do you not care about your own creation Ei!?"
Venti said.

Her own creation? What creation..

"No, I do not, but as archon, i must do this for everyone's sake.."
Ei replied.

She doesn't care?


"Ei..i- ...whatever...we need to think of ways to not let The Tsaritsas plan go her way.. "

I walked away and returned to my room..

Her own creation huh..what does that person have to do with us..?

My own conclusion is that its one of us Anemo Users...

Could it be.....me?!

No..that's crazy! How coul it be m-"



Scara was here..


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