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"Come in here" Amani said pulling kamillion in the bathroom

"Yes Amani" kamil smiled wrapping her arms around him

"Wassup you look good" he smiled touching her swim suit

"I do" she asked

"Fasho you decent gang" Amani said dapping her up

"Alright let's go out" Amani said about to open the door

"No let's do something" she smiled making him smirk

Author- what y'all finna get into???


"What took you so long you stink like... ew bro do you even know that girl good enough" desiah looked at him in disgust

"I used a condom shut up" he pushed her head

"Ewwww you got pussy hands don't touch my human hair" dee mugged him

"Sky bye girl I had fun I'll call you later" desiah said

"Bye I enjoyed you guys too" sky smiled about to walk inside

"Mom how y'all know about the pool party"dee asked

"Your brother" nia said

"And who's that girl you creeped out of there with and what did y'all do I'm not too young for grandkids" nia sighed

"You got you some neph" Martin smiled putting his hand in the back for some dap

"Nah we just talked" Amani said still giving him dap

"Just talked mhm" desiah mumbled knowing they didn't just talk but he didn't want to tell her business or his

"Not somebody posted uncle Martin drowning" dee laughed replaying somebody's story sky had sent her

"Let me see" Amani chuckled

"That ain't funny I almost died" Martin mugged them

"How when I was holding on to you" nia chuckled

"I got some fa all y'all thinking that's funny and that little boy recording got some coming too" Martin said folding his arms together

"Who calling you" dee asked as Nia's phone ringed

"Business get you some- hello nia speaking" nia answered

"Hello miss nia we have the results back from the test"

"Okay one minute" nia said trying to connect the phone to the rentals speaker

"Okay go ahead"

"Desiah lunae is 99% Armani cooks" the lady read


"Amani lunae is 98% Xavier writes" she said as they all looked at the phone shocked

"Hold up holiday hold up" nia said

"Sometimes this can happen it's very rare but it can happen if you have sex with two men at the same time your kid or kids can share dna like fifty fifty" the lady explained

"Well in this case one of your children got one parents Sperm and- I'm 98% percent so the one percent must be Trevon" Amani said making everyone look at him

"You say the most irrelevant stuff at the worst time" nia sighed

"You mad cause you got three baby daddy's" Amani said

"And I will you also be calling the fathers with the further information" the lady informed them

"Okay thank you have a nice day" nia said

"You too"

"Soon as we get back to the A they going on child support" nia said

"Whewww vlog y'all heard that fuck McDonald's I quit" Desiah smiled

"Turn it off" Nia sighed

"How you think they gone take it" Martin asked

"I don't know and don't give a fuck" nia shrugged

This chapter and the next short asf but I'm finna start some drama I'm getting bored

Where is the Jamaica episode for baddies ain't nobody finna keep paying for no subscription

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