Twenty two

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"Mia that color looks really pretty on you" kamil smiled

"Thank you girl" Mia said shaking it

"So this the plan we gone tell Amani that we went straight to sleep after we got home" kamillion said

"Alright bet we gotta turn off our phones" Mia said

"I already turned mines off" kamillion said

"Girl that outfit see through you know he gone have a fit if he find out" kamil told Mia

"If we get caught I'm putting the whole thing on you" Mia told her

"Bitch-" she mugged her

"You know He a lil crazy" Mia sighed a little scared

"Come on lil scary he not gone do nun" kamillion rolled her eyes pulling her dress down getting out the car

"It's packed" Mia said looking around

"I got my mace in case a ho wanna play" kamil nodded

"Girl" Mia laughed

"Mhm he fine" kamil said

"Girl you said we were just gone party you ain't say nothing about trying to get niggas" Mia mugged her

"Just a side nigga come on a two man" kamillion said grabbing her hand walking over to them

"He look familiar" Mia mumbled

"Heyyy" kamillion smiled

"Wassup" the darksin boy nodded

"Y'all look familiar" his friend said

"We don't even be outside so that's a lie" Mia mumbled

"What's yall name" kamil asked

"Nerow" the darksin one said but Mia couldn't wrap her arm around who it was

"I'm Tooty and this black he don't talk much" the Tooty boy said

"I'm kamillion and this Mia" kamil said making Mia mug her because she was tripping

"You fine" Tooty said to Mia

"I have a man a whole one I'm pregnant and we getting married" she rolled her eyes

"Damn" black mumbled

"My bad" Tooty laughed

"Can I get your number" kamil asked Nerow

"I'm not sure about dat" he said

"Why" kamil asked

"I'm kinda- I'll give you his number he not locked down" Tooty said snatching the phone making Nerow mug him

"Alright see y'all around" kamil said once she put the number in the phone

"Bitch are you stupid" Mia hit her arm

"Hit me again we gone be fighting" kamillion mugged her

"I don't care now you just being stupid because Amani actually been trying with us lately but you just been being shitty to him" Mia said

"Well he should've acted right when I was now it's my turn and I'm about to turn up" kamillion shrugged

"Girl you so extra" Mia rolled her eyes kamil was turning into a hoe and if it got any worse she would tell Amani because now she was dragging her into it

"Come on" kamil said making Mia stop because who was she talking to

"I'm not yo kid matter of fact you should be checking if you have one while you out here throwing yourself on people" Mia said then walked in front of her

"Bitch" she heard kamil but kept walking

Hearing Bryson tiller still yours start playing mia bobbed her head Bryson was one of her favorite artists


Sitting on kamillion's bed in the dark with all black on he had his head in his lap

Him or kamils mom could find them until he seen a video of kamil twerking on somebody's counter

"I was eating" he heard kamils loud voice

New message

My baby's mom    she coming

Closing his phone he stood up with the belt him and her mom had made a plan before they got back

"Yeah girl- OH SHIT!" She yelled as her and Mia slipped on the baby oil

Kamils mom turned on the light and started hitting kamil on the butt with the belt as Amani did the same to Mia

⚠️ This is not abuse yall they just getting whoopings

"I told you... ass...about...whew shit" her mom said catching her breath

"Amani imma fuck you up!" Mia yelled

"Mommy!" Kamil yelled

"Mommy my ass get yo ass up" her mom said standing up

"What was the for" Mia mugged

"Y'all think y'all slick y'all not!" Kamil mom yelled

"Yeah and y'all got me fucked up and I been doing everything y'all asked this how y'all do me" Amani shook his head gathering his stuff as Mia started crying

"This all your fault you dumb bitch!" Mia yelled jumping on kamillion

Was this bad? I can delete the end part I just thought of almost Christmas

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