A Lovely Sheriff

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(reader is a My Life As doll, but scaled down to be around the same size as Woody.)


I was patiently waiting for the others to come home from their road trip. Bonnie had hereby entrusted me to look after the house while they and the other toys were gone, and I did so with great care. Every morning that week, after the paper boy had finished his route, I secretly snuck to the front porch to collect the newspaper. I placed them all on the dining room table (after some rather simple acrobatics) organizing them by the days of the week. It was the least I could do. Not that her parents would ever know.

I was sitting on my doll sized bed, in the upper right corner of the room. This was my space, and housed any other accessories or props she would buy specifically for me. Closet at the foot of my bed, a saucer chair close to that, pushed up to the right wall a desk coming with all its accessories, including a smaller fluffy chair to complete the set. She was still working on getting each and every play set, along with all the clothes to put in my doll sized closet.

 I'm about 2.5 inches shorter than Woody, but still a little taller than his friend Buzz. Speaking of, I was recalling the day Woody and I met, when Bonnie took him home for the first time.


Bonnie had been called to dinner, which knowing her would be followed up with some TV programs before ultimately going to bed. So that gave everyone a few hours before she came back into the room.

Woody, though feeling the pull of getting home to his previous owner Andy, couldn't take safe action until everyone in the house was asleep. For the time being he was stuck. He was sitting with Bonnie's toys at the crafts table, chatting.

"She sure has a fantastic imagination." Woody mused, thinking back to their playtime.

Trixie nodded enthusiastically. "Sure does! She can take a story anywhere."

Buttercup pushed the tea cup in front of him away a smidge. "It could start off as a picnic and finish as a death defying battle to save the universe."

Woody smiled, with fond memories past. Hands behind his head, slightly leaning away from the table using his boots to balance. "Reminds me of when Andy was a kid. It was nice to be played with like that again. But-"

He suddenly cut himself off, noticing a sizable collection of doll related accessories on the other side of the room from the table. He remembered Molly's Barbie dolls. But these sets looked too big for a Barbie doll. And Dolly wasn't certainly using it.

"Who's that doll area for?"

Trixie gasped, lifting up from her chair slightly. "Wait a minute, we forgot to introduce you to one more person!"

"But where is she?" Buttercup asked, looking around.

Pricklepants sighed, unamused. "Missing in action, as she always seems to be."

Dolly thought for a minute before looking upwards, towards the shelf above them that was slightly moved to the left. "Oh, I know. Y/n! There's a guest down here! Come and introduce yourself!" 

She waited for a second, but there was no response. Dolly chuckled slightly, looking back to Woody. "She's a little shy."

"That, and she probably has Bonnie's iPad again." Trixie said, getting up onto the table.

Dolly gestured to Woody as she slumped off the chair. "Well come on, we can get her attention up on Bonnie's bed."

Woody got off his chair and followed Dolly across the floor, briefly glancing at the shelf.

A Lovely Sheriff (Woody x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now