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Green light part two

Jess, Lucy, Jackson and Nolan didn't sleep a wink last night

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Jess, Lucy, Jackson and Nolan didn't sleep a wink last night. They all had pulled an all nighter together as they guarded Nolan's house, in case someone unexpected showed up. Jess was exhausted and that was visibly prominent when she looked at her self in the mirror. So, she made sure she had put on just enough make up to cover the bags under her eyes. She was upset that she couldn't spend her night with John as their friends we're their

Once the rookies had arrived to the station they immediately were called over to the briefing room before shift started.

"Thank you for coming in, most of you on your day off. Till this is resolved, all overtime limits have been lifted." Captain Anderson explained.

Grey looked over at the white board with information about the white supremacy gang "As you may know, Southern Front originated as a white supremacist prison gang about 15 years ago. Since then, they have branched out in a big way. Drugs, prostitution, extortion. But what sets them apart is their access to military weapons.

Their leader, the so-called "King Midas," is currently serving three consecutive life sentences. His son, Cole, he controls the day-to-day operations on the street. But make no mistake, his father is pulling the strings. Lifting the greenlight would be a huge loss of face for Cole, so he's not gonna do it willingly." He explains to everyone.

Anderson nods her head agreeing with Grey "We need to take down his operation" she explain.


Everyone was on their toes during their shifts. Their goals were to take down anyone who worked for Midas and get the green light off of Nolan. To say the booking room was full was an understatement.

Their were two holding designated for women and men that worked for Midas. Jess and juicy sigh as they brings in another man who was apart of Southern Front.

"I'll handle processing. You get started on the asset paperwork." Tim tells them. Lucy looks over and nods her head.

"still don't see how confiscating 20 gallons of lube is gonna get the gang to back off Nolan." Jess says grabbing the folder from the desk.

Tim sighs "Asset forfeiture is where we do the most damage today. Law says we can seize everything and anything connected to their illegal operation. Vehicles, merchandise, even the massage parlor." He explained to her.

He watches as Jess and Lucy changes her facial expression to confusion "Well, so, why didn't we hit it last week? Vice knew that Southern Front owned that shop." She asks.

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