Motherly Love

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[Ruv's POV]

Sarv approached with the liquid medicine in a spoon. I leaned back as she tried to put the spoon in my mouth. "Come on, Ruv! Don't be a baby!" Sarv started to become irritated. "I'm not a baby!" I pouted, with what Sarv calls my "grumpy baby face". "Here, let me try," Whitty took the spoon and smirked. "What is he doing?" I thought to myself, feeling a little nervous.

💣: *Makes airplane noises as he brings the spoon closer to Ruv's mouth*
🍪 (Still in the blanket Whitty got for him in the previous chapter): "😮..."
🍪: *Nom* "Bleh, gross."
💣: "Aww! Heh!" *Can't stop himself from giggling*
🍪 (Hearing Whitty giggle): *Blush...*
💣 (Hugging onto Ruv): "My baby boy, hehehe~"
🍪: "Uhh-..." *Sneeze-*
🌸 (Offering Ruv a tissue): "Tissue?"
🍪: "Yeah, thanks." *Takes it and blows his nose with it*
🍪 (After throwing the tissue into the trash can not that far away): "Colllddd..."
💣: "Need me to warm you up like a microwaved burrito?"
🍪: "Yes, please." *Leans head onto Whitty's shoulder*
💣: "Alright, here we go." *Activates his heating powers*
🌸: *Makes the sound of a microwave for funzies*
🍪 (Getting sleepy): "Mmm...Whitty..."
💣: "Yeah? What's up, babe?"
🍪 (Cuddling up closer to Whitty): "I love you..."
💣: "Awww, I love you too, my Russian burrito boy~"

I ended up falling asleep, still leaning onto Whitty who's still hugging onto me. His face was practically glowing with orange blush. He moved one of his hands onto my head and took my ushanka off, running his fingers through my fluffy purplish hair.

The rain from earlier was really coming down now, and a clap of thunder broke the comforting silence. I flinched, hugging onto Whitty and nuzzling closer to him. "Don't worry, Ruv. We're safe here," he reassured me, continuing to play with my hair as the thunder continued to boom. He then started humming a tune (AKA a calmer, more soothing version of Overhead) to calm me down even more. I was like a child being sung to sleep.

His electric voice was music to my ears. I could listen to it all night. My eyes grew heavy as he lulled me to sleep. Sarv thought it was adorable to see him acting like he was my мама singing me a lullaby. Oh, how I miss those days back in Russia when I was a very small boy. Мама would sing me lullabies when I couldn't sleep. Whitty reminds me so much of her now.

Мама cared a lot about me while she was alive. Even after she was killed, I didn't give up and I kept fighting. I survived and came a long way to where I am now. I bet she's watching me from Heaven, proud that her son has grown up to be a strong man like my папа. But, I wonder what she would say about Whitty.

[478 words]

(Hope you guys loved this wholesome chapter. :])

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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