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It's been a week since you woke up from an orgasm that was too much for your exhausted body to handle.

Once you'd woken, both men were all cuddles and kindness. You let them bathe you, change the bedding, even brush your teeth. You were too tired to fight.

They haven't done anything since.

It's silly to avoid the words in your own head, but you've been partially dissociated since the incident and you're leaning into it. You'll build your strength back this way.

"You ate all your breakfast?" Hawks coos down at you from your recumbent position in bed. "What a good little bird. C'mon, let's go brush your teeth."

You frown at him. He's been pushier about grooming you and you don't know if it's a hawk thing or a Hawks thing. You're betting the latter.

He's taken to washing your hair, combing it, playing with it. He likes helping you wash in the tub, but you've drawn the line there.

"Pleeeeease." He pouts like a child. "Pretty please."

"I can brush my own damn teeth," you retort.

It's his turn to frown. "You know Shouta doesn't like you using that kind of language."

"Aizawa can suck a dick." You stand and walk toward the bathroom door, but a vice-like grip on your arm stops you.

"You know, we've let little things go lately because you've been behaving like a good pet, but the level of disrespect from your mouth is not acceptable."

"You sound like Eraser right now." You jerk your arm with no success.

Hawks' gaze darkens. If there's one thing the two captors hate, it's when you use their hero names. Even family names ride the line, but they've let that go (with Aizawa; you don't know Hawks' family name). He pulls you toward the bathroom and shoves you onto the toilet. Two of his feathers detach; one fetches your toothbrush (purple) and the other, the toothpaste.

"I've been telling Shouta we should just force you to do the things we want, but he's insisted we give you time, ease you into everything." You snort. He takes your chin in hand and leans forward. "Since he's not here right now, I'm going to brush your teeth whether you like it or not."

You swat at one of the feathers but it ducks away. "No."

His grip tightens. "You'll sit here and take it or I will put you over my knee and spank you like the little brat you are."

You fall still. "You wouldn't."

"I would. I'd enjoy it." He grins to prove his point. "Now, are you gonna be good?"

Instead of answering, you open your mouth to indicate willingness. Almost anything is better than the punishment he threatened.

Hawks spreads toothpaste on the brush and brings it up to your front teeth. That's where he begins his scrubbing.

It's uncomfortable; you can't control the pace and he keeps hitting your lip or being too aggressive at your gums. When the brush goes inside your mouth to clean the back teeth, you hold in a gag.

Hawks is humming away all the while.

"You know." He pauses his humming to speak. "My mom used to let me play with her hair. It was our only bonding time, actually. Sometimes she'd have me wash it for her, but only when she was really hungover. She drank a lot. I'd find her lying on her side in the bathroom, and I'd worry. I saw a commercial or something that said how important it was brush your teeth, how stomach acid can wear down enamel. I'd think about brushing them. I sometimes wonder whether her teeth ever fell out."

He grabs a little cup from the sink and fills it with water.

"Sip. Spit."

Finally done.

Aizawa has taken to sleeping with you when he has the chance, which isn't often. You wonder if it's the only sleep he gets, which is close to every third day. No wonder the man is eternally exhausted.

He enters the room and starts stripping out of his hero uniform. You know the drill by now; he'll shower, then cuddle you in bed while you stare at the wall for hours.

"It's so nice to come home and see my girl." He leans over to kiss your forehead. You jerk back and his face falls in disappointment. "Are we really gonna start the night this way?"

"What way?" you counter.

He sneers. "Don't be a brat."

You cross your arms and stare.

"The appropriate response, sweetheart," he's standing over you as he speaks, "is 'I'm sorry, Shouta.'" When you don't speak, his capture weapon unwinds to wrap around your body and trap your arms at your sides. "You know, Keigo told me what happened earlier. Said his threat was pretty effective."

You roll your eyes.

The world spin upside down and you're suddenly on Shouta's lap with your ass in the air. The nightgown you're wearing has fallen around your face. You kick your legs in effectively; it only takes one hand to hold them down.

The first slap is surprising and cracks through your ears before the pain even registers. From there, they become a blur.

This one lands on one cheek, this one on the other. One hits the spot between ass and thigh— that fucking hurts— he hits the same spot again.

It goes on until you're crying, snot falling with the tears since you can't wipe your nose.

"Shouta, please," you try desperately to get his attention. "Shouta, I'm sorry."

The spanking slows for a second, then carries on with one final flurry of blows.

"Are you really sorry?" He rubs in soothing circles.

You try to nod. "Yes."

You're sorry because it got this to happen and no other reason. Not that you'll tell him that.

He hums and continues the soothing circles. "Are you crying, little bird?"

The tears you'd unsuccessfully kept back burst forth. He rights you with your butt hanging off his lap. Shouta rocks, kisses your forehead, gently wipes away hair that sticks to your face. "I know," he murmurs against your hair. "I know this is hard. I promise it'll get better if you work with us."

You sniffle as you catch his words. "What?"

"Baby." He turns your chin and stares down at you tenderly. "We don't plan on always keeping you locked up in here, but you need to earn it. Prove you can have outside privileges."

"Outside?" you repeat. Your heart beats faster.

He shrugs a little. "Not at first. At first you'll be allowed around the apartment, able to come in and out as you please. If you're very, very good, we'll start taking you out."

"Can I go back to work?" It's a stupid, pathetic question, and you have no idea why you asked it.

Shouta's mouth sets in a line before he answers. "No. You'll always be accompanied by one of us." You sniffle as the tears refresh. "That's to keep you safe. We need to take care of you. But you'll be able to go to parties with Hawks, and maybe to school with me sometimes." The corner of his mouth lifts. "Doesn't that sound nice?"

It sounds a whole hell of a lot better than this. You nod shyly as your brain starts to work for the first time in a week. If you earn those privileges, you can get outside. You can talk to people. You can get help.

You can escape. After all, they can't put you on a leash in public, and you have wings.

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