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Shouta and Keigo have been watching you like, well, hawks. You're not sure why. It's not like you can do anything without them knowing anyway; red feathers are omnipresent in the penthouse even when the hero who owns them is not.

It's not like you can escape.

Not even when they take you to the patio you've been staring at longingly since they let you out of the room.

The cool wind feels so good blowing through your feathers. Your eyes drift shut, and you stand there, relishing the sensation.

A hand rests on the small of your back. "Come sit down, little bird." Keigo leads you to the outdoor furniture to take a seat on a U-backed chair. It's an interesting design; your wings aren't crushed, yet you can lean against it. It's all rust red with a black wrought iron framework. The center of the black table has a firepit built in. Shouta is stirring the fire in it from the chair across from yours. He opens a small cooler and pops the top off a beer bottle, then slides it your way.

You haven't had a drink in so long that you're unphased by drinking the brand one of the men chose despite it not being one you like. You take it in both hands and down half of it in one go.

"Whoa, careful, sweetheart. You haven't even eaten yet," Shouta chastises gently. He leans across the table and lays a hand over one wrist to pull your hand down. "We'll go get the food." He nods to Hawks and the two go inside presumably toward the kitchen.

Leaving you alone.


You tremble as you stand and walk toward the edge of the building. There are no railings here; why would there be when Hawks is the one who bought this place and has lived here for who knows how long? He doesn't need them.

For the first time in your life, as you lean over the side of the building, you experience vertigo.

It's such a long way down and you haven't tested the strength of your wings in ages. It'd be too risky to try anything now, especially with the heroes nearby enough to act should you try.

Slowly, you back away and sit in your chair again. Maybe you'll have another opportunity, a real opportunity soon.

The guys come out not a minute later and you see the moment their eyes fall on you that they're relieved to find you in the same place, curled up in your chair and clinging to your near-empty beer.

"You're such a good girl, little bird." Keigo lifts you up and takes your spot, settling you in his lap instead. He kisses your forehead. You take a swig of your drink as his hands begin to roam.

One the table there are burgers and hotdogs. You've never had a rooftop cookout before. It would be nice if not for your kidnapping.

Keigo sets your empty on the table and sends out a feather to fetch a new one. It's amazing how much he can do with those things. You've seen quite a bit of it since you started living with him.

"You're gonna get her drunk like that," Shouta warns his fellow hero.

Keigo shrugs. "There's nothing wrong with a little celebration here and there," he says, then sips some of his own beer. "I'm so proud of you, baby."

You gaze back at him, then glance at Shouta. "Is something going on?"

They exchange a look, then Shouta shrugs as if to tell Keigo it's up to him.

"I'm taking you with me to the Hero Billboard Chart."

You freeze, unsure you heard him correctly, grasped the meaning. You know what all the words mean; what person in the age of heroes doesn't know what the Hero Billboard Chart is? It's only the biggest event in society, the hero equivalent of the Oscars, but more important. After all, actors didn't put their lives on the line every day.

However, you were sure you'd heard Keigo say he was taking you, the nobody who used to work for him, the person currently held captive in him home. No one would do such a thing, right? It was entirely too risky, too absurd.

"I already got your dress, and hair and makeup people will be coming to help you get ready before." He fiddles his thumbs and his wings flick nervously. "You won't have to worry about thing."

"And I'll be watching from the sidelines, so don't get any funny ideas," Shouta adds. Your heart doesn't even sink at the warning. You're too excited about your first proper outing.

Besides, maybe I can still slip a message to someone, give someone a hint that I'm being held against my will.

It's a nice thought.

The dress is a red violet that complements your plumage as much as it does Hawks'. He's in his hero costume, but you're in this slinky, low-backed silk number that hugs you so well you're made to forego anything underneath it. There's a high slit on the side with the anklet and the makeup artist helps you use fashion tape to secure everything in place so there are no accidents.

Your shoes are gold and strappy and entirely higher than you're comfortable with. It's a good thing you have wings to help you balance.

Your lips are painted the same scarlet as Hawks' wings and your eyeline evokes his eye markings. A ruby drop pendant graces the space between your breasts and your hair is pinned and curled and artfully placed until you feel like some scantily clad Greco-Roman figure or something.

You feel beautiful and can't help a slight preening.

Hawks releases a low whistle when he sees you all made up. Shouta had to stay while the prep team was with you, since Keigo had his own preparations to make. The underground hero has already made his gratification known.

"Wow, baby bird. You look... wow." He circles you to take in the whole package, then slides between your wings to hug your body. "You're so beautiful. I almost don't wanna go at all. I'd rather stay here and eat you up."

You blush beneath the layer of makeup. You have a feeling you'll be doing a lot of that tonight.

"Hawks." Shouta's voice cuts through the tension but isn't particularly sharp, more of a caution than anything.

"Yeah, yeah." The scruffy blond kisses your throat then backs away to take your hand. "Anyway. We're gonna fly there. I hope you're ready."

You stare at him wide-eyed. "I haven't flown in..." Well, other than your exercise, it's been a minute. You certainly don't have the stamina to fly all the way to the event.

He strokes a thumb across the back of your hand. "Don't worry. I'll carry you most of the way. I just want us to make an entrance." Your heart returns to its normal beat and you nod. That also means he won't know your capabilities. That's good. It means you have a wing up on him toward your escape.

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