Ch1- Kryptonite

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Toshinori Yagi is your father.

The one and only Allmight.

The symbol of peace.

When you were little, you trembled in the shadows, watching him boldly shine in the light. From his smile, to his physique, to his confident posture, he was a beacon of hope.

No one would ever believe you.

You tested the knots on the strips of sheets, deciding that your homemade rope was strong enough.

You and Allmight lived in a large house, but deadbolts on the outside of your bedroom door assured that you wouldn't wander around. Allmight- you always thought of him by his hero title instead of "dad,"- usually just slid food through the tiny slot at the bottom. He had plenty of money- he could have hired a servant for that. But you guessed he didn't want anyone finding out about his disgrace of a daughter.

You opened your window. You were on the third floor. The room as far away as possible from Allmight's room on the other side two levels down. Being on the third floor was only a minor inconvenience in your escape plan.

Honestly, escaping wasn't that hard. What was harder... was running. Allmight was smart. With decades of experience tracking down villains, he knew how to find people. And the hardest part always came after you tried to run. For a moment, you hesitated, remembering the rage in his eyes every time you'd left, and the brutal pain you learned to associate that with.


You couldn't give up. You were suffocating here.

You secured the rope to the frame of your bed and started down, arms trembling as you slipped down the rope, hand over hand.

You landed on your feet, stumbling slightly before turning and running. Old pains in your shinbones twinged slightly but you pushed through.

Allmight shouldn't be back for another hour. And he probably wouldn't realize you were missing for even longer.

The first few times you ran, you'd gone to other heroes for help. That had never worked. They didn't believe you. Trying to persuade them just gave Allmight time to find you and drag you back. You got savvier each time you ran. You stopped telling people the truth. You found some vigilantes, and just told them that you needed to stay on the down low. They didn't ask too many questions. Maybe because you still had bruises on your cheekbone.

But somehow, Allmight had found you again. You suspected later that he'd had ties to some the vigilantes and had asked around. After all, with your quirk, you were impossible to miss. He probably had some fantastically good story. A runaway niece he was worried about, or something else stupid that people would believe.

Well, this time was going to be different, you thought as you ran.

You weren't going to trust anyone.

You slowed as you neared the street, looking down at the sidewalk like a typical bored schoolgirl on her way home.

People passed you on all sides at a similarly calm walking pace.

Your heart burned with fire as certain induvial drew closer and further from you, and you noticed some people frowning or slowing their pace as your quirk affected them.

You walked faster, hoping that none of them remembered the strange feeling of weakness.

Suddenly, the fire in your heart rose into a growing inferno.

You froze as passersby continued to flow around you.

Only one person could activate your quirk that strongly. And from the growing burning sensation, he was getting closer.

Kryptonite (Shigaraki x Listener)Where stories live. Discover now