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Third Person P.O.V:


Pansy stood in Herbology, staring at her growing Chinese Chomping Cabbages. Draco stood next to her, watching as she stared off into space. He sighed softly to himself as her mind raced, seemingly lost within itself.

He wished he could do something, but it's not like he could do anything about Y/n's anger. She was in the right in some regard. Yet, Draco couldn't stand how Pansy had turned so quiet.

She was experiencing her first real heartbreak and nothing he did made her feel better. Pansy just trudged along through the day and once it was over, she was back in her dorm, lying down and staring at the wall. It was becoming a routine, and their friends were beginning to notice.

"Hey," Draco whispers as he bumps his hand against her forearm. She blinked a few times and looked back at him with a blank expression.

"Hm?" She hummed back as he grabbed her wrist and guided her up to the second floor of the greenhouse, where they could talk alone. Daphne watched them but decided against following, she only hoped that Draco could finally pull Pansy out of the slump she was in.

"You need to socialize" he states as they sat down at a small table in the corner, and Pansy scoffed at him in return. He rolled his eyes as she crossed her arms across her chest in annoyance and defiance.

"I don't need to do anything" she replies as she looks down to the first floor through the bars of the railings. She could see Daphne standing next to Theo as they took care of their shared Venomous Tentacula. Pansy hoped it but her head off.

"It's not healthy to stay locked up inside all day wallowing in self-pity," he says when she looks back at him, and Pansy just laughs in his face as she leans back in her chair. What else was she supposed to do? Go spend time with the girl who ruined the one good thing in her life?

"Who are you? My mother?" She chuckled as he rolled his eyes again and stuffed his hands in his pockets. One thing about Pansy is that she is as stubborn as a horse, and if she didn't want to do something then she wasn't going to do it.

"I may not be your mother, but I know that listening to Girl In Red and daydreaming about Y/n, isn't helping" he whispers as she looks away and presses her arms closer to her chest. She hated that he was right, but he didn't have all the details.

She wasn't just wallowing in self-pity, she was also coming up with a plan. A plan to at least get Y/n to talk to her face to face again. Will it work? She had no idea, but she had (zero) confidence!

"When I need your advice, I'll ask next time" Pansy muttered as she stood up and went to walk away, but he called to her. He decided to be a little petty because he didn't like the sass he was getting from her.

"She's going on a 'friend' date with Hermione tonight" he states with a quick smirk, but hid it when Pansy turned back towards him with widened eyes. Did she just hear him correctly?

"Where?" She asked and he shrugged, gesturing behind him as he thought back on what Luna told him in their Transfiguration class. Like the close cousins they are, they sat in the corner and gossiped about their best friends' drama.

Luna was secretly rallying behind Pansy, since she understood how dangerous her family circles were, even when she and her father weren't that far into the toxicity. Draco on the other hand was on Y/n's side, knowing that if he was in her shoes and was being done dirty by someone she really saw something with, he too would be trying to move on.

It really was a double-edged sword, it didn't matter whose side you were on, the other end was also in the right in some regard. It was just a big misunderstanding and lack of knowledge.

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