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the universe is never wrong, right? who in their right mind is dumb enough to question the universe.

thats why rin believes everything happens for a reason. good or bad, it must've happened for a reason, right?

so he sat there, confused and frustrated.

"do you think we're soulmates in every universe?" was the question kuroo asked him.

they were just on rin's couch, not saying a single word. both on their phones doing their own thing but enjoying the other person's presence.

the question came out of the blue.

and well,

rin wanted to say no.

no because theoretically in every universe, him and kuroo would be completely two different people.

scientifically, it would be impossible for him and kuroo to be meet in every alternative universe; let alone be soulmates or date.

the 'them' from other universes could well almost be nonexistent.

it could be one sided love, it could be that they don't even like each other and are only friends, they might not even know the other boy exist in some.

because much to rin's knowledge, the universe isn't as kind as most think it is.

but he thinks long and hard about kuroo question.

"based on the lack of words that you're saying," kuroo smiles, "your answer is no."

rin bit back his tongue, "if we're being technical and realistic, then yeah, that would be my answer."

kuroo let out a hum, eyes still fixated on his phone. "then answer me the way you mean it."

rin already knew his real answer.

in every universe, he and kuroo are slightly different people.

regular high school students, enemies on the opposite side of war, one might already be dead while the other is living life regularly.

"rin and tetsurou" don't necessarily exist in any universe.

but rin knows, that in mostly 50% of the alternate universe, he and kuroo somehow make it work.

whether it's high school boy crushes or they're in their 30's and had just found each other; there is a 50% chance that it will work.

and while 50 is no better than 100, it certainly is better than 40, 30, 20, 10, or 5.

50 means a half gambling chance and a half chance that you're going to win that gamble.

and rin is willingly to take that gamble every universe he meets kuroo.

in the universe they're currently in, their constellations aligned so perfectly that he has won the gamble and he intends to keep winning.

so, although they may be slightly different people in each alternate universe, he knows that they'll be fine.

no matter what the universe decides for them.

"i think," he starts, staring back at kuroo's eyes. "we'll make it work in every universe."

kuroo laughs, resting his head on rin's shoulder, "you could've just said that in the beginning."

and like the stars on rin's bedroom ceiling, they shine in their own way, even if it's different than regular stars.

happy new years !!

a little short gift from me to you guys due the lack of updates i gave this year LOL

you guys dearly wanted your happy rin and kuroo so i delivered, even if it was shorter than intended

hopefully in 2024, i write more of these love birds

much love and have a safe holiday <3

- pudding xx.

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