And so it begins

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Just then the doorbell rings. I look out hoping it's just Changbin. Thankfully it is, so I open the door and invite him in while I grab my purse and keys.

"You look beautiful. That's a great color on you! You might want a scarf or even a coat though with the rain. It doesn't look like it's going to let up." he tells me. "Also, why did you have a shocked look on your face when I walked in though?"

"We'll talk once we get out of here." I say as I look over toward the hallway leading to the rooms. He catches my look and sees both of my kids sheepishly wave from the hallway. I shrug and shake my head. I put my shoes on and grab my coat as we step out.

"We might want to hurry. I don't think the guys planned on doing a super long workout, so they might be back anytime. They don't know you and I are going to breakfast."

I look at him quizzically, then say "Let's go then."

As we are waiting on the elevator, I hear their voices. A bit of panic sets in and I know Changbin can tell. The elevator doors open and we get in quickly. As the doors are closing, I look up and see Jeongin. He looks shocked to see me with Changbin. I look left, straight in to the eyes of Chris. Have they been crying? Their eyes look red and swollen. Right before the doors close, I see the looks of the rest of them and Chris's gaze going dark. Shit. How much trouble is Binnie going to be in?

As we reach the bottom, Changbin's phone is going off. I know it's the guys. Maybe I'm a chicken, but I'm just not ready to face all of them at once. Especially Chris. The look in his eyes when he saw me, took my breath away. Changbin looks over at me and smiles reassuringly.

"I'm starting a group chat to let them know we are going to breakfast. Are you ok if I include you? This way you can see what I tell them and you can decide if you want to say anything. Plus, it wouldn't be face to face right now."

I think about it for a bit. His phone is still going off.

"Y-yes. I'm ok with that. I don't know that I'll answer right now, but go for it. But Binnie, can we get out of here. Before any of them decide to try and come down. Please." I beg.

He notices I'm starting to shake some and immediately leads me out to the parking garage straight to his car. I look around us. I realize we have no security with us, which surprises me. Of course he picks up on my surprise.

"No one knew I was leaving. But I'm going to pull out of here before I make the group chat, otherwise I'm sure Chris is going to try and stop us. Or one of the others. Plus, our manager isn't going to be thrilled with me."

We pull out and on to the street. Once we've gone aways from the apartments, he pulls next to the curb and starts the message to the guys. His phone has been going crazy with messages and calls. He's ignored them all. Shit, how much trouble is he going to be in? I caused this. Feeling immensely guilty at the moment, I feel my phone go off. Changbin reaches over and pats my hand reassuringly. I pull my phone out so I can keep up as I try to calm my nerves and breathing.

SC*Ok guys, this is a new group chat with all of us, Lynn included. She's feeling overwhelmed from last night. And she has every right to. Her and I are going to breakfast and have a talk. I'm going to fill her in on our, umm, dynamic. She deserves to know. Please let her have some space. If and when she is up to it, she'll respond in here to. But, well, we really shocked her last night. Chris, before you start in, put yourself in her shoes and think what a shock that had to be.*

I look over at Changbin after reading the text. What does he mean their dynamic? I am feeling even more confused.

"I'll fill you in once we get to our destination. After last night, you deserve us to be open and honest with you. About everything."

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