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Easy to Love by Bryce Savage

Love Me by Ex Habit

True to the doctor's words, I'd only stayed in the hospital a few more days after waking up. Since then, Christmas had come and gone. I'd been glad that I had ordered all my gifts for everyone early and they came wrapped. I was so damn thankful to even be home for it. It had hit me how much could have gone wrong.

Nari, thankfully, with Don's help, had cooked all the food and the guys from Ateez and BTOB, the ones that could, came over. I had gotten calls from all the ones that couldn't. At one point, I'd had to walk into my room and close the door. The thoughts, the what ifs. Chris came to find me and pulled me out of the depths before I fully lost my shit.

The guys, as well as my kids, were taking every precaution they could. I got it, truly I did. Not going to lie though, it was starting to feel a bit stifling. I had barely been allowed to go to the bathroom by myself.

Today though, I'd been released to start walking on the treadmill or around outside. I had specifically asked about walking up a flight of stairs, as we had a rooftop garden along with the pool. I was thrilled when he'd told that shouldn't be a problem, just to go slow. I wasn't allowed to swim yet, but at least I could go up there and sit or walk in the sun!

My nurse had helped me to the appointment then back home. Today was her last day and I was truly thankful for her help. All of us were very thankful for all she had done to help. It felt odd to be completely by myself, but so nice at the same time.

Making sure my phone was on me and I had a water bottle, I made the decision to go the garden. I couldn't wait for anyone to get home, so I walked very slowly up the stairs to the roof garden. Stepping out on the roof, I let the warmth of the sun soak in. It was a sunny, but a slightly chilly day and I was glad I'd worn my jacket. Walking over to our sunroom we had just for these kinds of days, I slipped in. It was nice enough inside I was able to remove my jacket.

Just sitting, with the sun caressing my skin, I gave a moment to thank God I was still here. The guys had been treating me as if I was made of glass. I fully understood. They were still scared and I couldn't blame them. I still had nightmares. The guys didn't know that though. That is a miracle, truthfully. Or well, I don't think they know. If they do, they haven't said anything.

The guys had each taken turns sleeping with me each night. At least one was with me at night. Multiple times I'd woken to have several in the bed. It was reassuring to have them there. Thankfully, I'd only woke them once screaming. Unfortunately, it had just been poor Jeongin and Seungmin. They'd been pretty scared, but had done their best to calm me. They'd done a good job and eventually all of us had fallen back asleep. I found out later that even if Changbin wasn't in the room with me, he'd been sleeping on the sofa. That just happened to be one of the nights he had worked late in the studio.

Thankfully, the nightmares had begun to lessen in their severity. I think the fact that I'd been working a lot in my office and keeping my mind busy is what had started helping. Well, and talking to my counselor. JYP had begun weeding out people from the company. He'd started with low staff. Lil' Miss sexpot receptionist had been the first to go. Not going to lie, I had giggled with glee when I found out.

But, pissed had not been the word when she was let go. It had definitely been her that had planted all the bugs, but she wasn't alone. She had panicked and called another person. They had only talked for a moment, but it was obvious the unknown person was using a voice manipulator. Even still, I got the gist of what was talked about.

To say I was worried, well, that was an understatement. Whomever this person was, knew something was going on. They were pissed. My security alerts went off multiple times. And they kept going off even after she left. I knew whomever was doing this, was livid. I kept a tight control on the incoming and outgoing calls from JYPE phones. Key words and phrases that would be picked up and make those calls be recorded. I couldn't do much about cell calls, though.

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